Back In The Day

RMI is going to Olympics

RMI is going to Olympics

Journal 6/19/1981 P1 Dropout problem at MIHS graduation Amid the joy of Marshall Islands High School’s 17th commencement, graduates and education officials alike wondered, “Where are the rest?” The class of 1981 finished in ceremonies at the Uliga Protestant Church, with only 60 members, the lowest in many years. Principal Tony Jetnil was the first […]

20 students to work in Bikini

20 students to work in Bikini

Journal 6/13/2018 P1 Airport leases signed Formal signing of the leases for the proposed airport on Long Island has been accomplished, according to Mike Allen, Marshalls Land Management Officer. The lease negotiations experienced a series of complicated demands and counter demands before final agreement was reached. The negotiations will result in payment of $4,000 per […]

Is cocaine on the street?

Is cocaine on the street?

Journal 6/5/1981 P1 Enewetakese want 15-year special trusteeship The people of Enewetak want a special US Trusteeship for Enewetak for about 15 years in order to complete the rehabilitation of their atoll and to catch up with the rest of the Marshalls, according to Magistrate Hertes John. He said that a poll showed that 93 […]

Russians criticize US

Russians criticize US

Journal 5/29/1981 P1 Reagan’s Micronesia review group visits Majuro What has been called the Reagan review group left May 27 after maintaining a tight-lipped silence about their visit. “We’re just touring Micronesia,” said Ginger Lew, deputy assistant secretary of State. P7 Soviets question US At the UN Trusteeship Council meeting, the Soviet delegate took a […]

Tuna fees pass $2 million

Tuna fees pass $2 million

Journal 5/22/1981 P3 Micro Palm to go to Fiji again Deputy Attorney General Carl Ingram and Secretary Ywao Elanzo of Transportation and Communications left Majuro May 20 on Air Nauru for Suva, Fiji. While in Fiji, they will meet and negotiate with officials of Carpenter Ltd. and Bish concerning the dry docking of the MS […]

Kwajalein expands missile testing

Kwajalein expands missile testing

Journal 5/15/1981 P9 2,000 apply for housing aid About 2,000 applications were received by the Housing Division, Social Services Department, for the $1.5 million community development block grant as part of the recovery program from the late 1979 high waves that struck DUD area. P12 AMI looking to the future The Airline of the Marshall […]

Nuclear Claims Tribunal pays out $6.1m in 436 awards

Nuclear Claims Tribunal pays out $6.1m in 436 awards

Journal 5/1/1981 P1 Japanese request nuclear waste storage The Japanese government approached the Marshalls government in early April about the possibility of using Bikini to store nuclear waste, according to Minister of Internal Affairs Wilfred Kendall. P1 Marshall Islands Alele Museum opens today After false starts and years of inactivity for one reason or another, […]

AMI’s first anniversary

AMI’s first anniversary

Journal 4/24/1981 P1 Govt seeks FAA registration for AMI aircraft Minister for Resources and Development Kessai Note, accompanied by Marshalls Attorney General Wayne Kidwell, left Majuro April 22 for Hawaii where they will meet with Federal Aviation Administration officials concerning registration of Airline of the Marshall Islands aircraft. The two government representatives will also be […]

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