News Archive

Hawaii students honored

Hawaii students honored

The Honolulu-based Marshallese community celebrated the achievements of Marshallese students at the 10th Annual Marshallese Education Day (MED) event last Saturday at McCoy Pavilion. Education Minister Wilbur Heine, who attended the event on behalf of President Hilda Heine, congratulated the 43 Marshallese students from various schools on Oahu for making it into their respective school’s […]

ROC visit hits high note

ROC visit hits high note

HILARY HOSIA T’was another night to remember on board the Republic of China, Taiwan flagship Pan-Shi last Wednesday where selected members from the community, VIPs from the government along with members of the Taiwanese community broke bread with crews of the visiting squadron. Great food, entertainment and friendly social conversations followed the welcoming toast from […]

Buyers love PNA’s Pacifical tuna

Buyers love PNA’s Pacifical tuna

The PNA’s Pacifical tuna label was praised by a major Australian food company for being the “only true sustainable” fishing model in the world. Over the last 15 months, Australian-based Simplot, a large agricultural and seafood supply company with annual sales over $5 billion, has sold 100 million cans of tuna with the Pacifical/Marine Stewardship […]

Beach bash hits high note

Beach bash hits high note

HILARY HOSIA Having 50 Nauruan visitors fly to Majuro just to attend the Spring Break Laura Beach Bash last Saturday is testament that Power 103.5 FM impresario Daniel Kramer outdid himself yet again and should be dubbed the “master entertainer” of Majuro. Kramer orchestrated for YouTube sensation and rising South Pacific star Rosie Delmah and […]

Long-awaited Con-Con starts

Long-awaited Con-Con starts

Kessai Note was elected President for the 2017 Constitutional Convention at the International Conference Center Thursday. Note won by a single vote over Christopher Loeak 22-21. Casten Nemra won the vice presidency from Phillip Muller 25-18, while Yolanda Lodge-Ned got the favor of 41 delegates to win the secretarial seat by secret ballot as she […]

A rocking’ ROC VIP visit

A rocking’ ROC VIP visit

HILARY HOSIA and ISAAC MARTY Not every day you see Foreign Minister John Silk “rock the night away” with microphone in hand performing for a large crowd — such was the scene last Thursday during the Presidential dinner at the Marshall Islands Resort’s pool area in honor of Republic of China, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Dr. […]

WAM develop youth skills

WAM develop youth skills

Waan Aelon in Majel (Canoes of the Marshall Islands) is bubbling with activities with two training programs for young people ongoing at one time. In years past, WAM sponsored one six-month life skills and vocational training program centered around canoe building and carpentry. This year, opportunity arose to run a skills training in woodworking related […]

PNA: Unity, adding value to fishery

PNA: Unity, adding value to fishery

Adding value and maintaining cooperation that has led to great benefits from commercial tuna fishing for the Parties to the Nauru Agreement was the theme of Monday’s opening session. The five-day PNA annual officials meeting kicked off Monday at Marshall Islands Resort with Kiribati’s Principal Fisheries Officer Aketa Taanga handing over chairmanship of the PNA […]