News Archive

RMI hits ‘home run’

RMI hits ‘home run’

Hundreds of people from all walks of life — national and local elected leaders, teachers, students, non-government groups and off-island visitors — attended this week’s three-day, first-ever National Oceans Symposium that put big picture issues about fisheries, ocean conservation, sustainability and climate on the table for talk and action. MIMRA Director Glen Joseph said the […]

Passport production way up

Passport production way up

Thousands of Marshallese living in the US may be reacting to President Donald Trump’s executive actions relating to immigration by ordering updated passports from the RMI Attorney General’s office. The number of passports produced from January to March more than tripled compared to the same three-month period last year, with many of these passports being […]

Girls basketball showdown

Girls basketball showdown

KIRAN DATWANI It has been a tight competition this year during the basketball season. As the play-offs continue and the championship game approaches, it is nearly time for the winners to take home the prize! This year, three schools are competing in the girls’ playoffs: Laura High School, Majuro Cooperative School and SDA High School. […]

4th Micronesia Festival celebration

4th Micronesia Festival celebration

Hundreds of Marshallese and Micronesians participated in the 4th Annual Celebrating Micronesia Festival at the Honolulu Museum of Art last Saturday. Hosted by the Honolulu Museum of Art, the annual event has become a premiere event for Marshallese and fellow Micronesian residents now living in the State of Hawaii to show case their culture through […]

Heine keynotes PRIMO conference

Heine keynotes PRIMO conference

Following the invitation from Pacific Risk Management Ohana (PRIMO), President Hilda Heine was the keynote speaker at the 2017 PRIMO Conference held from 20-23 March 2017 at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu. The conference convened under the theme “Navigating Towards Security and Sustainability,” with plenary sessions focused on maintaining the integrity and resilience of […]

Jo-Jikum to focus on waste

Jo-Jikum to focus on waste

Youth climate change and environment non-government office Jodrikdrik in Jipan ene eo e Kutok Maroro (Jo-Jikum), was recently awarded $50,000 by the United Nations Development Program’s Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program to carry out a waste management project in partnership with the Majuro Atoll Waste Company. The project will be implemented through the Earth […]

Free car wash and health check

Free car wash and health check

The head of the Non-Communicable Diseases Clinic at Majuro Hospital, Dr. Lusiana Manoa, reports that diabetes is still a huge problem in Majuro, with 2,222 registered patients. Of these, 1,365 diabetic patients have not visited the clinic within the past year, putting themselves at risk. For this reason, the NCD coalition group “Community Lifestyle Program” […]