By Journal on November 3, 2016
Andrew Jacobs, Angeline Heine-Reimers, Brenda Lulu Kabua, EU, European Union, Fiji, Jennifer Tseng, Malie Tarbwillin
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The Marshall Islands had the only all-women delegation at last week’s European Union-sponsored training session in Fiji on managing EU funding. This was not the only notable development for the RMI at the training: RMI was recognized as the first north Pacific nation to move forward with a new funding package from the EU. “I […]
By Journal on November 3, 2016
Cherie Morris, Isaac Marty, MIMRA, seafood, Shirleen Bala, Viliame Rabici
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ISAAC MARTY Sixteen individuals graduated with certificates at the conclusion of a two week Seafood Export Market Development workshop at Bokanake in Robert Reimers Enterprises last Friday. The workshop was funded by the Forum Fisheries Agency and was conducted by University of South Pacific’s (USP) Institute of Marine Resources and Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority […]
By Journal on October 28, 2016
Amenta Matthew, David Kramer, Eldon Note, Ewao Elanzo, Jejwarick Anton, Junior Patrick, Leander Leander, Maybelline Bing, Maynard Alfred, public accounts
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HILARY HOSIA The Public Accounts Committee launched nine days of hearings Tuesday at the Nitijela Conference Room with the Auditor General and Ministry of Finance first up on the agenda. Based on rapid inquiries from members of the committee chaired by Likiep Senator Leander Leander, Jr., the session heated up minutes after starting. But as […]
By Journal on October 27, 2016
absentee voting, Bill No. 6, Council of Iroij, Kenneth Kedi, Morean Watak
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Nitijela’s recent passage of “Bill No. 6” ignited a barrage of criticism and complaint from many Marshallese resident outside the Marshall Islands, objections delivered mainly on social media — and generated a rare intervention from the Council of Iroij. The bill, approved 13-12, eliminates postal absentee voting by offshore Marshallese. Last week, Speaker Kenneth Kedi […]
By Journal on October 27, 2016
Amata Kabua, environment, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, SPREP
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HILARY HOSIA “In recognition of the new world order, which calls for all nations to take responsibility for their environmental impacts, and to cooperate in finding global solutions to global problems, our nation presents this document as an affirmation of its commitment to integrating the principals of sustainable development into national policy. As a nation […]
By Journal on October 20, 2016
bandwidth, Facebook, fiber optic cable, Giff Johnson, Jr., NTA, satellite, Tommy Kijiner
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GIFF JOHNSON The world of streaming movies, Facebook videos and Skype conversations will grind mostly to a halt for nine days at the end of October when NTA shifts Internet and phone links from the highly-reliable fiber optic cable to satellites. The “bandwidth” available to RMI customers for Internet and international calling will shrink from […]
By Journal on October 20, 2016
Fiji National University, Hilary Hosia, Kavekini Neidiri, Mark Durand, Ministry of Health, Pacific Island Health Officers Association, Paulini Quica
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HILARY HOSIA The Marshall Islands Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Pacific Island Health Officers Association, has opened an opportunity for other Pacific health agencies by rolling out the Fiji National University’s nurse practitioner program in Majuro — the first time the program is being conducted outside of Fiji. The pioneer trainees, 16 total, […]
By Journal on October 20, 2016
Alson Kelen, Ejit Island, flooded, flooding, Majuro, Melvin Majmeto
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Waves pushed by storm winds Tuesday afternoon flooded parts of Majuro, damaging seawalls and structures located close to the lagoon shore. There were no reports of injuries, but a peak high tide for the month was driven over shorelines facing south by gusting winds of a storm that developed earlier in the day. “It was […]
By Journal on October 13, 2016
Majuro, Maurice Brownjohn, PNA, transshipment, tuna
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Majuro is the busiest tuna transshipment port in the world. As much as 600,000 tons of tuna is now being off-loaded from purse seiners to carrier vessels a year, Parties to the Nauru Agreement Commercial Manager Maurice Brownjohn told a workshop in Majuro Monday. About 1.7 million tons of skipjack is caught in PNA waters […]
By Journal on October 13, 2016
Arlington Tibon, basketball, cmi, Giff Johnson, Junjun Bellu, Ralik Ratak Shootout, Rickiano Antibas, Steph Curry
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GIFF JOHNSON “This was the toughest BOMI Ralik Ratak Shootout in my era,” said Tournament Director Rickiano Antibas Tuesday after championship night at the SSG Solomon Sam Memorial Court at CMI. The crowd, estimated at well over 1,000 — sitting on top of cars, in the backs of pickups, on apartment walkways across the street, […]