By Journal on March 15, 2024
Air Marshall Islands, AMI, Anoop Kumar, Carlos Domnick, Eve Burns, Hilton Kendall, Jerry Kramer, John Hawley, Nauru Airlines, RMI Aviation Task Force, Sophia Fowler, Tony Muller
Feature Articles

RMI’s Aviation Task Force briefed two Cabinet Ministers this week on the proposed joint AMI-Nauru Airlines Majuro-to-Honolulu air service in hopes of gaining RMI government backing to launch the service in 2024. The possible Majuro-Honolulu-Majuro route has been discussed for the past two years by the Aviation Task Force, but is getting a new push […]
By Journal on April 14, 2023
Ailinglaplap, Air Marshall Islands, Albon Jelke, AMI, Angus Sheridan, Beran Island Resort, Chris Abrahams, Kathleen deBrum, Lucas Maddison, Martin Daly, Ngaaia Tioti, Nuguro Prayinto, Woja
Feature Articles

Beran Island, the resort island founded by Martin Daly of Indies Trader on Ailinglaplap Atoll, has come rocketing out of the pandemic and recently wrapped up a hugely successful return season. Daly who personally helmed the efforts onsite to get the resort fully functional after the nearly three year forced-closure caused by the Covid pandemic, was […]
By Journal on August 11, 2022
AMI, Arrives, BA.5, CDC, Cody Jack, Covid, David Kabua, Frank Underwood, FSM, Giff Johnson, Jack Niedenthal, MOHHS, Northern Islands High School on Wotje., PaxLovid, Red Code, Wilmer Joel, World Health Organization
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON This is how the Marshall Islands went from being one of a handful of places in the world to still be Covid-free two-and-a-half-years into the pandemic to joining the rest of the world August 8.Majuro hospital authorities discovered the first “cluster” of Covid positive cases Monday afternoon. Parents brought their 17 and nine […]
By Journal on June 24, 2022
1985, AMI, Back in the Day, Federated States of Micronesia, flight of the AMI 748 to Kosrae, John Slattebo, Kosrae
Back In The Day

Journal 6/28/1985 P1 AMI starts Kosrae service Air Marshall Islands General Manager John Slattebo announced the inaugural flight of the AMI 748 to Kosrae in the Federated States of Micronesia. The inaugural flight, joined by many dignitaries and officials, is scheduled to leave Majuro June 2. Two years ago, a proving flight to the newly […]
By Journal on July 29, 2021
Airline of the Marshall Islands, Albon Jelke, AMI, Drauna Waqasokolala, Thomas Pugsley, USAG-KA
News Archive

Air Marshall Islands board of directors has named a new general manager to replace outgoing GM Drauna Waqasokolala, who advised the airline earlier this year of his plan to step down from the post after six years at the helm. The new AMI General Manager is Captain Albon Jelke, who is “new” only to the […]
By Journal on December 20, 2019
AMI, Enewetak, Ismael John, Rairok, RRE
Back In The Day

Journal 12/24/1982 P1 AMI 748 arriving Christmas eve The Airline of the Marshall Islands’ own BAC748 aircraft is scheduled to arrive 24 December. There was no room for Santa Claus because it is filled with spare parts. There will be an official handover ceremony at the airport for the 48-seat turbo prop plane. The first […]
By Journal on October 25, 2019
AMI, Kwajalein, pedro, reiher
Back In The Day

Journal 10/21/1982 P1 Kwajalein agreements reached in Washington President Kabua successfully concluded negotiations with the United States regarding use of Kwajalein Missile Range for an interim period of up to three years prior to the effective date of the Compact. President Kabua was also successful in reducing the term of the US use rights under […]
By Journal on July 5, 2019
AMI, Ataji Balos, Betio Gamefish Club, Kwajlein, MBC, Tom Murdoch
Back In The Day

Journal 7/6/1982 P1 Kwajalein occupation continues The Kwajalein landowners occupying Kwajalein and other islands that are part of the Kwajalein Missile Range have increased, according to Senator Ataji Balos and other leaders. Kwajalein Atoll Corporation leaders say the protest sail-in is far from over. They say they don’t see any end to the dispute unless […]
By Journal on May 17, 2019
AMI, Aur, Hilda Heine, Netijela
News Archive

One of Air Marshall Islands Dornier aircraft suffered an engine problem at Aur Atoll requiring an engine change. In just three days, AMI engineers had the problem diagnosed, an engine dispatched and installed on Aur, and the plane back in the air. AMI’s ability to get the Dornier back into service despite its grounding on […]
By Journal on April 26, 2019
AMI, George Allen, KAC, Reagan, Robert Reimers, WAC, Zeder
Back In The Day

Journal 4/30/1982 P1 Zeder says he came to settle radiation claims US Ambassador Fred Zeder has his marching orders from President Reagan to settle all radiation from nuclear testing claims in the Marshall Islands in a subsidiary agreement to the Compact of Free Association. Zeder was the lead off speaker in the formal opening April […]