By Journal on April 28, 2023
$150 million settlement, 177, 1987, Back in the Day, Compact negotiations, Compact of Free Association, nuclear, Tony deBrum, United States, US Claims Court in Washington
Back In The Day

Journal 5/1/1987 P1 Forced to sign 177 Marshall Islands negotiators told the United States that nuclear claims should be settled with individual Marshallese claimants but the US refused, using economic leverage and incentives in the Compact to get the Marshall Islands government to approve the Compact nuclear claims settlement with espousal, said Minister of Health […]
By Journal on November 11, 2022
Compact negotiations, Enewetak, Hilary Hosia, Joseph Yun, Kenneth Kedi, Marshall Islands Resort, Nuclear legacy, Roxanne Cabral, Runit Dome, Theresa Kedi
Feature Articles

On arrival at Nitijela Thursday for a courtesy call with Speaker Kenneth Kedi soon after arriving in a US government jet, US Special Envoy for Compact negotiations Joseph Yun and his team were greeted Marshallese style with singing and leis in the Nitijela lobby, an island welcome for the visitors who were plied with handicrafts […]
By Journal on November 10, 2022
374-foot dome, China, Compact negotiations, Enewetak, Hosted visit, Joseph Yun, Kitlang kabua, MIR, nuclear testing, Runit Dome, US Special Envoy, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

WILMER JOEL US Special Presidential Envoy Joseph Yun and his delegation set foot on the Runit Dome in Enewetak for the first time last Friday. Minister Kitlang Kabua and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade hosted this visit. “We live in fear, fear of the bombs, guns, and nuclear,” were the words in a […]
By Journal on May 26, 2022
Arkansas, Compact negotiations, David Panuelo., FSM, Joe Biden, Joseph Yun, Karen Stewart, Kenneth Kedi, Keone Nakoa, Langirik Mote, Nitijela, Roxanne Cabral, Surangel Whipps, Washington
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON “On a scale of one-to-10, with 10 being the best, I put my visit to Washington at 9.5,” said Speaker Kenneth Kedi in an interview with the Journal Wednesday this week. The Speaker was in Arkansas at mid-week, following a packed agenda in Washington, DC over several days last week with meetings with […]
By Journal on October 28, 2021
Amata Radewagen, Casten Nemra, China aid, Compact negotiations, Ed Case, Jesus Garcia, Katie Porter, Matthew Moury, Melisa Laelan, Nikolao Pula, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, nuclear issues, Nydia Velazquez, Paul Gosar, Puerto Rico, Rhea Moss-Christian, Runit Dome, Springdale, Steve Womack
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Three Marshall Islanders delivered clearly worded testimony to Rep. Katie Porter’s subcommittee seeking US Congressional action to ensure that the Marshall Islands nuclear test legacy is fully addressed by the US government.Despite a refusal to date by the US executive branch to agree to address the nuclear issue within the framework of Compact […]