By Journal on April 8, 2021
David Kabua, Joe Biden, Kennth Kedi, Lerooj Margaret Labaun, Nitijela, Virtual Climate Summit, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL Nitijela kicked off its Monday session with a wide range of reports from the President and Cabinet ministers. The members returned to session for one day after a several week break for public hearings and other activities. Joining the Nitijela leaders were the officers and representatives of the Taxi Drivers Association who met […]
By Journal on February 26, 2021
Casten Nemra, Chewy Lin, David Kabua, Japan's Emperor 61st, Kotak Loeak, Norio Saito
Feature Articles

A big crowd led by President David Kabua turned out to celebrate the 61st birthday of Japan’s Emperor Naruhito Tuesday night at Marshall Islands Resort with Japan Ambassador Norio Saito and Japan Embassy staff. Lively singing and dancing, speeches, toasts, and ceremonial breaking of a sake drum were part of the festive evening.
By Journal on February 25, 2021
David Kabua, Giff Johnson, Majuro Atoll Waste Company, Majuro garbage, Moriana Phillip, RMI EPA
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GIFF JOHNSON Shades of 2005 — when garbage was pouring out of the Batkan dump onto the main road, forcing drivers to veer around it — have returned to the Batkan dump. For months, at a standstill on expansion or a new site, the dump has seen tons of garbage continue pouring into the facility. […]
By Journal on February 25, 2021
David Kabua, Educational Week Science fair, Jaluit, Kwajalein, Laura High School, Wilmer Joel, Wotje
News Archive

The annual Education Week science fair shined again this year at the International Conference Center. With multiple Majuro, Kwajalein, Wotje and Jaluit schools participating in the science fair, it made it more fun for other schools to come and share their knowledge on things they have learned based on science projects. Student showed remarkable talent […]
By Journal on February 18, 2021
Alfred Alfred Jr., Bruce Bilimon, David Kabua, David Paul, Ebeye, Eve Burns, Hirata Kabua, Kitlang kabua, Lawson Matauto, Lerooj Anta James, Marie Milne, Mon Kubok, MV Ribuuk Meto, Sandy Alfred, Stephen Phillip
News Archive

Ribuuk Meto received a wild welcome party at Ebeye dock. The first event of Kwajalein Day was the christening of Ribuuk Meto, making its maiden voyage from Majuro to Kwajalein. This christening was unlike Majuro’s, which was, for lack of a better word, dull. Kwajalein folk really topped the bar on celebrating. Women were all […]
By Journal on February 11, 2021
Colin Tukuitonga, David Kabua, David Panuelo, Filimon Manoni, Gerald Zackios, Henry Puna, Lionel Aingimea, Pacific Islands Forum, Surangel Whipps Jr., Taneti Maamau
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Following the hotly contested Pacific Islands Forum election for a new Secretary General last week — in which Micronesia’s candidate Ambassador Gerald Zackios lost — the Marshall Islands and its four neighboring nations have thumbed their collective noses at the Forum, saying they are all pulling out of the premier regional body. The move, approved […]
By Journal on January 29, 2021
Covid Vaccine, David Kabua, Ginger kabua, Harry Harry, MOHHS, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

Over 3,000 people in the Marshall Islands had received Covid vaccines through January 23, according to the Ministry of Health and Human Services.Ebeye administered 1,036 shots, while Majuro public health staff delivered 2,027 vaccines, according to Health officials.Vaccine distribution picked up in mid-January with the arrival of more doses of the Moderna vaccine. Last week, […]
By Journal on January 28, 2021
Carlos Domnick, Chewy Lin, Christopher deBrum, David Kabua, Deanna Gilmar, Mark Stege
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President David Kabua met with a delegation from the Chamber of Commerce last week. The group included Chamber President Mark Stege, Chamber officers, and executive members of Chamber of Commerce for their quarterly meeting at the President’s Office. Chamber member Jerry Kramer joined the meeting virtually from Guam. This is the third quarterly meeting with […]
By Journal on January 7, 2021
David Kabua, Eve Burns, Giff Johnson, Jeffrey Hsiao, Kenneth Kedi, Mazie Hirono, Norio Saito, Palukne Johnny, Roxanne Cabral
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON President David Kabua delivered a state of the nation address at Monday’s Nitijela opening ceremony, issuing a straightforward call for improvements in many areas of government operations.As is customary with ceremonial openings that do not involve the drama of an election, the chamber gallery evidenced many empty seats, save for the church singing […]
By Journal on December 17, 2020
Branson Wase, David Kabua, David Paul, Giff Johnson, International Registries Inc., Jack Ading, Kalani Kaneko, Kenneth Kedi, Marshall Islands Scholarship Grant & Loan Board, RMI Ship Registry
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON At a time when most people’s focus has turned to jeptas, holiday parties, shopping and family gatherings, this December has featured an usual development. Nitijela and the Cabinet are in a dust up over several public hearings scheduled by chairmen last week, one of which the Cabinet cut off from V7AB radio broadcast […]