By Journal on October 14, 2021
Amata Kabua,, David Kabua, Floyd Takeuchi, Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, Kindle, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room, Mike Kabua, MIMRA, NTA, Our Ocean’s Promise, Our Ocean's Promise – From Aspiration to Inspirations: The Marshall Islands Fishing Story, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Solomon Islands, Wilmer Joel
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The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority put on a special program last Friday at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room to launch a new book — the first ever to document the Marshall Islands commercial fishing story.President David Kabua headlined the event, offering praise for MIMRA and the book, “Our Ocean’s Promise — From Aspirations […]
By Journal on October 14, 2021
110th National Day, Casten Nemra, David Kabua, Ginger kabua, Jasmine Du, Jeffrey Hsiao, Michael Kabua, Neijon Edwards, ROC-Taiwan, Taiwan Model, Wilmer Joel
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The Taiwan Embassy hosted a 110th National Day Celebration Banquet poolside at the Marshall Islands Resort on Saturday evening. VIP guests celebrating Taiwan’s October 10 birthday, aka ‘the Double Tenth Day,’ included President David Kabua and First Lady Ginger and Nitijela Member and Iroojlaplap Michael Kabua. Also in attendance were numerous Cabinet members, senators, government […]
By Journal on August 25, 2021
Caleb Joseph, David Kabua, Dr. Frank Underwood, Glen Joseph, Guam, KMI, Ladie Jack, Lomalo, MIMRA, MOHHS, National Disaster Committee, Palau, Pan Pacific Foods, Tia Belau
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Last Friday’s resumption of Covid-19 vaccines for tuna boat fishermen “went smooth as planned,” according to MIMRA. The fisheries authority together with Ministry of Health and Human Services and the Ports Authority organized the re-start of the vaccine program for fishermen that was started in June, and then paused so public health teams could concentrate […]
By Journal on August 12, 2021
$667 Millions trust fund, David Kabua, Kenneth Kedi, Nitijela, USAG-KA, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL Nitijela launched the opening of the August session Monday that showed an adequate turnout of 24 members of parliament at roll call, with seven excused and two absent. Members of the diplomatic corps, Colonel Thomas Pugsley and a delegation of USAG-KA officials, private and public sector representatives, church choirs and a sparse turnout […]
By Journal on July 15, 2021
Covid, COVID-19, David Kabua, Ginger kabua, Kino Kabua
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Majuro hospital’s Covid isolation ward, built last year, is getting a workout this month — all for non-Covid medical reasons. First was a Vietnamese fishermen who was successfully treated for knife wounds sustained during a fight on a purse seiner. He was to be released Monday this week, but has been held longer due to […]
By Journal on July 8, 2021
Arrak Quaratine, Covid ICU, David Kabua, Frank Underwood, Giff Johnson, Ginger kabua, Jack Niedenthal, Julia Alfred, Mary Hicking, Sandy Alfred, Two treated, UA Flight
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GIFF JOHNSON President David Kabua and his party of six became the first people in 15 months to get off a United Airlines flight in Majuro and go into quarantine at the Arrak facility when they did so this past Tuesday.The last group to come in by a United flight was Xavier High School students […]
By Journal on June 10, 2021
Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Apo Myazoe, Bruce Bilimon, David Kabua, Early Childhood, Fenice Riklon, Jack Ading Jr, Kate McDermott, Lula Ading-Yamane, Luren Ading, Molly Helkena, Rachel Bigler, Sage deBrum, Tanner Smith, Theresa Kijiner, Wellness Health Center, Wilmer Joel
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A signing ceremony involving President David Kabua and Health Minister Bruce Bilimon was held June 3 at the Cabinet to advance the work of the Early Child Development program. The two leaders are lending their support to the RMI effort to help bring awareness concerning children’s health and lifestyle in the Marshall Islands. The program […]
By Journal on June 10, 2021
Bruce Bilimon, David Kabua, Eve Burns, Glen Joseph, Jiba Kabua, Norio Saito, Palukne Johnny, Sandy Alfred
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Japan Ambassador Norio Saito handed over 18 boats and a radio communication system to Natural Resources and Commerce Minister Sandy Alfred in a ceremony at Uliga Dock May 25. The ceremony was witnessed by President David Kabua, Reverend Palukne Johnny, President of United Church of Christ, Minister of Works, Infrastructure and Utilities Jiba Kabua, Minister […]
By Journal on June 3, 2021
Andrew Nicholls, Brek Batley, Bruce Bilimon, Casten Nemra, David Kabua, Glansay Enos, Junior Aini, Kessai Note, Kitlang kabua, Lyndoch wine, Mary Palmer, Wade Carruthers, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL Australia’s first resident Ambassador to the Marshall Islands Brek Anthony Batley and his wife Mary Palmer arrived in Majuro last Thursday, after two weeks of quarantine at the US Army Garrison — Kwajalein Atoll. Straight from their airport arrival, they were both escorted to the International Conference Center where President David Kabua accepted […]
By Journal on April 29, 2021
Brenson Wase, Bruce Bilimon, Casten Nemra, David Kabua, David Paul, Dennis Momotaro, Hirata Kabua, Jeremy Bartel, Kalani Kaneko, Kenneth Kedi, Roxanne Cabral, Tony Muller, US Army Garrison Kwajalein Atoll
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GIFF JOHNSON Col. Jeremy Bartel was called to honor by Nitijela Monday in what Speaker Kenneth Kedi said was an unprecedented ceremony in the chamber. Bartel flew into Majuro Monday for the ceremony in the Chamber and was joined by US Ambassador Roxanne Cabral for the event. The Nitijela session started off as usual with […]