By Journal on July 1, 2021
Alson Kelen, Ariana Tibon, Giff Johnson, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, Nuclear legacy
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GIFF JOHNSONThe low-lying Marshall Islands are consumed by climate change. Increasing ocean inundations from rising sea levels and the specter that this atoll nation could be underwater later this century has pushed Marshall Islands leaders and young people to the forefront of the global climate movement calling for action to curtail a problem they had […]
By Journal on June 17, 2021
Covid-19 vaccination, Covid-free, Frank Underwood, Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Moderna vaccine
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GIFF JOHNSON The Marshall Islands launched Covid-19 vaccinations for commercial fishermen temporarily in port Majuro this past week — possibly the first Pacific island to vaccinate fishermen. With the country vaccination program nearing 80 percent completion for the two urban centers, and public health teams now conducting vaccinations for remote outer islands, the Ministry of Health […]
By Journal on May 21, 2021
Alik Alik, Billy Roberts, Bobby Muller, Brenson Wase, Chamber of Commerce, Charles Domnick, Election, Gerald Zackios, Giff Johnson, Jack Niedenthal, Jerry Kramer, Kessai Note, Litokwa Tomeing, Mattlan Zachras, MEC, PII
Back In The Day
Journal 5/23/1986 P1 Judge to police: Clean up your act The High Court put the police department on notice that it better get its act together or face severe penalties. Chief Justice AD Tennekone’s sharp criticism was triggered by what he said has been a consistent pattern of police being unable to get prisoners to […]
By Journal on May 13, 2021
Chewy Lin, Giff Johnson, Ludwig Kumoru, Pacific islands fisheries, PNA, Sandy Alfred, tuna cartel
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GIFF JOHNSON The powerful Pacific island fisheries bloc PNA opened a multi-million dollar, four-story headquarters in Majuro May 6. The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), which controls waters where half of the world’s skipjack tuna is caught, held a “soft” opening for the recently completed headquarters building. It was built by local contractor Pacific […]
By Journal on May 13, 2021
Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, MIMRA, Tata Kabua, World Tuna Day
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MIMRA sponsored an interesting and entertaining World Tuna Day event last Saturday in the covered parking lot area under its four-story headquarters in Delap. Recognizing the significance of tuna to the world, five years ago the United Nations established May 2 as World Tuna Day. The move to establish a day to celebrate tuna was […]
By Journal on April 15, 2021
Giff Johnson, MV Enen Kio, MV Ribuuk Meto, MV Tobolar, tobolar
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GIFF JOHNSON After two record-setting years of copra production, the level of “production” collapsed from January to March this year despite the still high 60 cent per pound price. The culprit in the collapse? Lack of ships to collect copra. In contrast to the previous quarter when 2,102.59 tons were brought in from the outer […]
By Journal on April 15, 2021
Air Marshall Islands, Drauna Waqasokolala., Giff Johnson
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GIFF JOHNSON Air Marshall Islands Dash-8 was grounded again April 11 and will remain in the AMI hangar until it can get the required inspection by certified engineers. A plan is in the works for bringing in certified aircraft engineers who can accomplish the inspections so that the Dash-8 can get back in the air, […]
By Journal on April 1, 2021
Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, Randy Jack
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GIFF JOHNSON I was minding my own business (for once), heading out of town Saturday afternoon.My phone “bings.” “A helicopter crashed into the lagoon by the airport,” says the message. That item took me out of my reverie and I drove with more focus to the airport, asking my informant some questions as I went […]
By Journal on April 1, 2021
Giff Johnson, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Nitijela, RMI
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GIFF JOHNSON Important developments on the Marshallese repatriation program include a shortening of the quarantine time and increased numbers of people returning. At last Thursday’s Cabinet meeting, RMI leaders endorsed a Ministry of Health and Human Services/National Disaster Committee recommendation to reduce the quarantine time at Kwajalein from three to two weeks. Coupled with the […]
By Journal on March 18, 2021
Alson Kelen, Angeline Heine-Reimers, Biram Stege, climate change, Giff Johnson, Jim Philippo, Jo-Jikum, Kameradisten (Comrades) Film Team, Karen Earnshaw, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, LoMoki Langidrik, Minister Kitlang Kabua, One Word Film, Timmy Langrine, Wimer Joel
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The premiere of the latest Marshallese and German-made movie “One Word” had the audience starstruck at Jittak-En Saturday night with its rich cinematography and unerring documentation about climate change. The movie is the outcome of the collaboration between German film team Kameradisten (Comrades) directors Viviana and Mark Uriona and local non-profit organization Jo-Jikum.It features great […]