By Journal on February 28, 2025
Ataji Balos, Compact of Free Association, Imata Kabua, Kwajalein, Kwajalein Atoll Corporation, Kwajalein leaders
Back In The Day

Journal 2/26/1982 P1 Kwaj leaders join Compact talksKwajalein leaders Ataji Balos and Imada Kabua are pleased that they have been participating on Compact of Free Association talks related to Kwaj but they report no large breakthroughs in the negotiations. Balos, chairman of the board of directors of the Kwajalein Atoll Corporation, which represents the landowners, […]
By Journal on July 29, 2022
American Tobacco companies, Imata Kabua, tobacco suit
Back In The Day

Journal 8/2/1985 P1 Amended Compact sails through US House The Compact of Free Association sailed through the House of Representatives last week, nearly obtaining an unanimous vote of approval, 360-12. The Compact has now cleared what many observers believe was the biggest hurdle — the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives — in the long process of […]
By Journal on July 28, 2022
Amata Kabua, Chewy Lin, David Kabua, David Paul, Giff Johnson, Imata Kabua, iroojlaplap, Iroojlaplap Michael LaMañiñi Kabua, Jeimata Kabua, Joba Kabua, jobwa, Kailoojoj, Mike Kabua, Ralik Chain
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Thousands of Marshall Islanders converged on Ebeye Island last week for the first coronation ceremony of a paramount chief in half a century. The gala coronation for Iroojlaplap (paramount chief) Michael LaMañiñi Kabua featured dozens of islanders wearing traditional headdress and finely woven mat clothing unique to the Marshall Islands, spear carrying warriors […]
By Journal on April 1, 2022
1997, aids, Al Jeaan, Back in the Day, Ebeye, Imata Kabua, Infrastructure projects, Majuro, Phillip Muller
Back In The Day

Journal 4/5/1985 P1 Schools face hard facts The Marshall Islands “have inherited a solid base on which they are building their national educational systems,” said the State Department in recent Congressional testimony. Despite this optimistic assessment, local educators and administrators are beset with an education system that has the highest high school drop out rate […]
By Journal on January 21, 2022
Back in the Day, Brenson Wase, Christopher Loeak, Imata Kabua, Jiba Kabua, Justin deBrum, Litokwa Tomeing, Lomes McKay, Newly Elected, Phillip Muller, Ruben Zackhras, Tom Kijiner
Back In The Day

Journal 1/25/1985 P4 Around Town Peter Coleman, former American Samoa Governor, was in Majuro last week for a brief stop on his way to the Northern Marianas. He visited with Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum among other government officials. P11 New hospital administrators The Sisters of Mercy, a Catholic health group, will manage the new hospital […]
By Journal on November 25, 2021
Amata Kabua, Casten N. Nemra, Christopher J. Loeak, David Kabua, Hilda C. Heine, Imata Kabua, Jiba Kabua, Jurelang Zedkaia, Kessai H. Note, Presidents Day, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

WILMER JOEL In veneration of Presidents Day, a day of commemorating was held last Wednesday and again Saturday for this nation’s late founding father, Iroojlaplap and First President Amata Kabua as well as other presidents who succeeded the presidency. Marshall Islands Presidents:Late Iroojlaplap and President Amata Kabua 1979-1996 Late Iroojlaplap and President Imata Kabua 1997-2000 […]
By Journal on November 18, 2021
Casten Nemra, David Kabua, Imata Kabua, Jasmine Du, Jasushieh Joseph Wu, Jeffrey Hsiao, Kenneth Kedi, Kessai Note, Lee Teng-hui, Michael Kabua, Palukne Johnny, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

The Taiwan Embassy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade co-hosted a reception at Nitijela Conference Room in celebration of the 23rd anniversary of RMI-Taiwan diplomatic relations. President David Kabua and Iroojlaplap and Nitijela Member Michael Kabua attended the reception with Cabinet members, Speaker Kenneth Kedi, Nitijela Members and government officials. Around 70 guests joined […]
By Journal on October 19, 2018
Amata Kabua, Imata Kabua, iroojlaplap, Kabua Kabua, Mamoru Kabua, Michael Kabua, Nemata Nakamura Kabua
Back In The Day

Journal 10/23/1981 P1 Mili election found improper The Appellate Division of the High Court has directed that an order be issued for a new election for the Nitijela seat for Mili. Chuji Chutaro, who lost in 1979 by six votes to Alee Alik, challenged the election because 21 persons voted who were not on the […]
By Journal on January 8, 2016
Imata Kabua, Kessai Note, Nitijela
Back In The Day

Journal 1/11/1972 P1 Kabua suspicious of ‘fish study’ motive Congress of Micronesia President Amata Kabua has expressed reservations about a proposed US National Fisheries Services plan to dispatch a large Hawaiian-style tuna fishing boat to the Marshall Islands. According to Kabua, no consultation was made with the people of the Marshalls. “Apparently a Hawaiian fishing […]