By Journal on October 5, 2023
Amata Kabua, Clothing Mats of the Marshall Islands, College of the Marshall Islands, Irene Taafaki, jaki-ed, MaryLou Foley, Patsy Hermon, Randolph Thaman, Tamara Greenstone, University of the South Pacific
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KAREN EARNSHAWA woman who had an outsized impact on education in the Marshall Islands died unexpectedly in Majuro last week. Dr. Irene Taafaki, whose positions ranged from Secretary of Education to Director of the University of the South Pacific Campus to President of the College of the Marshall Islands, was a life-long educator who supported […]
By Journal on May 12, 2022
Billma Peter, Eve Burns, jaki-ed, Miss Marshall Islands, Susan Jieta, University of the South Pacific, USP
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EVE BURNS Expert weaver Susan Jieta, 52, was interested in weaving from an early age. “I started learning how weave when I was in seventh grade,” she said. “My mom weaved and each time she left her weaving I’d run and practice.” Susan is from Mejit Island. “Marshallese handicrafts were always something I liked to […]
By Journal on April 28, 2022
Alwal Band, Assmuption High School, Barab Edwards, Chentelle Rogers, climate change, College of the Marshall Islands, debate, Dolores deBrum-Kattil, Haruka Saito, IOM, jaki-ed, James Myazoe, Jo-Jikum, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Life Skills Academy, Majuro Cooperative High School, Marshall Islands Conservation Society, Marshall Islands High School, Maryann Kiluwe, Paulini Maitokana, PSS, Ronna Nakamura, Salote Uzumaki, Samuel Barton, Solomon Enos, University of the South Pacific, Watak Lanwe, Wilmer Joel, Yonah Senerath, Yoshiko Capelle
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WILMER JOEL The two colleges in the country, College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) and the University of the South Pacific (USP), ignited a heated debate last week that was filled with facts and fiery exchanges. As a part of the Climate Change Week activities last Thursday at the Public School System the debate focused […]
By Journal on March 17, 2022
Brad Carte., Clothing Mats book, College of the Marshall Islands, Irene Taafaki, jaki-ed, Kitlang kabua, Maria Fowler, Marson Ralpho, Sallyann Alik, Susan Jieta, UNESCO, University of the Pacific
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KAREN EARNSHAW Maria Fowler opened her remarks to the crowd at the College of the Marshall Islands with the words: “You are all beautiful rainbows as I look at you” and then went on to describe the various parts of a jaki-ed also known as a finely woven clothing mats. Her words were part of […]
By Journal on December 6, 2018
Bishop Museum, jaki-ed, Melanie Ide, UNDP Small Grants Program, weaving
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The University of South Pacific, in cooperation with Bishop Museum and the Marshallese traditional weaving revival program marked the 10-year anniversary of the jaki-ed program with an exhibit and silent auction at Bishop Museum in Honolulu Sunday.
By Journal on October 4, 2018
Ailinglaplap, Airine Keju, Alson Kelen, Ebon, Elisana Emos, jaki-ed, Jawin Jerilong, Jennifer Hawley, K&K Island Pride, Mejit, Molly Helkena, Susan Jeita, Susanta Jieta, University of the South Pacific, USP, Waan Aelon in Majel, weavers, Wilbur Heine
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The University of the South Pacific Majuro Campus launched 50th anniversary celebrations Tuesday with a gala graduation event that recognized 33 graduates of various programs. Minister of Education Wilbur Heine hosted a dinner immediately following.
By Journal on December 14, 2017
Aileen Sefeti, Ailinglaplap, Althea Bing, Arno, Banitha Jesse, Bishop Museum, Elisana Motdrik Paul, Irene Taafaki, jaki-ed, Jaluit, Jennifer Hawley, Jusinta Jieta, Maria Kabua Fowler, MaryLou Foley, Mejit, Mela Kattil, Moje Kelen, Mona Levy-Strauss, Namu, Queensland Art Gallery, Smithsonian Museum, Susan Jieta, Thelma Murphy, USP
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Marshallese weavers of jaki-ed (clothing mats) will be showing their fine art around the world next year, with a demonstration being held at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC and a display of the mats at Australia’s Queensland Art Gallery in Brisbane. These exciting events were announced by long-time friend of the Marshall Islands, MaryLou […]
By Journal on December 9, 2016
Artina Clarence, Ashken Binat, Jacqueline Lakmis, jaki-ed, Life Skills Academy, Marshall Islands Resort, Melele Room, Motrik Paul, woven mats
Feature Articles

The Tenth Annual Jaki-ed Exhibition and Silent Auction garnered $7,440 in earnings for the wonderful weavers of the mats on display at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room. In the expert weavers section of the evening, the judges chose the mat by Motrik Paul from Ailinglaplap to be the all-round best exhibit.USP’s Jacqueline Lakmis said […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
Caoline Yacoe, Dr. Irene Taafaki, jaki-ed, Maria Kabua Fowler, USP, woven mats
Feature Articles

CAROLINE YACOE Woven mats, hats, purses, baskets, fans, wall hangings and jewelry from the Marshall Islands, Hawaii, French Polynesia, Nauru, Guam and Kiribati festively adorned the new space at Long Island Conference Center now part of the University of the South Pacific campus in Majuro. As the third such gathering of Pacific weavers it demonstrated […]