Kenneth Fernando

Girls rule at LSA

Girls rule at LSA

EVE BURNS Life Skills Academy Student Body Government really lived up to Beyonce’s famous song “Who runs the world? Girls!” The court top officers are all girls, which may be unprecedented in public school SBG history. There are two boys in the SBG who hold sports and public relations positions. Esther Lolin, a senior who […]

LSA teen US-bound

LSA teen US-bound

HILARY HOSIA Tisha Lometo is making history as the first student from Life Skills Academy (LSA) to participate in the prestigious Close Up Program. The 16-year old will join 16 other students from schools in Majuro, Ebeye, Jaluit and Wotje on a trip to the United States. Tisha is scheduled to depart Majuro to Hawaii […]

Japan hands over 3 buses

Japan hands over 3 buses

Japan Ambassador Kazunari Tanaka attended the handover ceremony of new school buses for Ajeltake Elementary School, Laura High School and Majuro Cooperative School earlier this month. $83,968 was provided to fund the bus for each school through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Project (GGP). The public school ceremony was attended by Education Minister […]

Japan funds school buses

Japan funds school buses

Japan Ambassador Kazunari Tanaka and three Majuro principals signed grant contracts at the Japan Embassy last week that will provide each school with a new bus. The schools at the grant ceremony were: ・Ajeltake Elementary School, Principal Amity Jarom, grant up to $83,968. ・Laura High School, Principal Jimmy Kemem, grant up to $83,968. ・Majuro Cooperative […]

Spotlight on mental health

Spotlight on mental health

The Ministry of Health and Human Services alongside Majuro Cooperative School organized a walkathon to promote awareness about mental health earlier this month. A great turnout of participants young and old attended the walkathon that was coordinated by Co-op High School Principal Kenneth Fernando as well as the student body government (SBG) officers and their […]

Jaluit BA program takes off

Jaluit BA program takes off

Jaluit Distance Education Center is at it again, this time with the rollout of its Bachelors of Arts in Elementary Education (BAEE) program recently. The College of Marshall Islands extension in Jabor, Jaluit is already serving local students with Adult Basic Education and associate degree courses. The BAEE program consists of teachers from the Public […]