Kitlang kabua

Jaki-ed book launched

Jaki-ed book launched

KAREN EARNSHAW Maria Fowler opened her remarks to the crowd at the College of the Marshall Islands with the words: “You are all beautiful rainbows as I look at you” and then went on to describe the various parts of a jaki-ed also known as a finely woven clothing mats. Her words were part of […]

Ebon’s new libraries showcased

Ebon’s new libraries showcased

President David Kabua and First Lady Ginger Shoniber-Kabua attended the opening of three libraries on Ebon Atoll last Thursday. Ebon leadership made a priority to provide quality education for the students which led to the idea of establishing libraries at the three schools of Ebon, Toka, and Enekoion — the three main communities on Ebon […]

Australian ambassador arrives

Australian ambassador arrives

WILMER JOEL Australia’s first resident Ambassador to the Marshall Islands Brek Anthony Batley and his wife Mary Palmer arrived in Majuro last Thursday, after two weeks of quarantine at the US Army Garrison — Kwajalein Atoll. Straight from their airport arrival, they were both escorted to the International Conference Center where President David Kabua accepted […]

Ebeye celebrates Ribuuk Meto

Ebeye celebrates Ribuuk Meto

Ribuuk Meto received a wild welcome party at Ebeye dock. The first event of Kwajalein Day was the christening of Ribuuk Meto, making its maiden voyage from Majuro to Kwajalein. This christening was unlike Majuro’s, which was, for lack of a better word, dull. Kwajalein folk really topped the bar on celebrating. Women were all […]

Nitijela launches August session

Nitijela launches August session

As Nitijela opened Monday for its final 19 sitting days of the year, the session is getting high visibility from abroad through NTA’s lifestream of the session on its Facebook page. The opening of Nitijela Monday showed a strong turnout of 28 members of parliament (MPs) at roll call, with four excused and one absent. […]

Close call on Covid

Close call on Covid

GIFF JOHNSON The US Army Garrison, Kwajalein Atoll had its first long-distance brush with coronavirus when one of the 15 base workers scheduled to return this week tested positive for Covid-19 in Honolulu prior to departing for Kwajalein. Contract tracing by Army authorities identified three others in the intending repatriation group to have had contact […]

Ebeye connects on Covid action

Ebeye connects on Covid action

Multiple Zoom meetings between Kwajalein Emergency Operations Center (KEOC) and National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC) in Majuro under the National Disaster Management Office has enabled the Kwajalein Disaster Committee (KDC) to engage in several Covid-19 preparedness campaigns on Ebeye. With strong partnership from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Ebeye branch and Kwajalein Nitibili Club, […]

New RMI leaders sworn in

New RMI leaders sworn in

President David Kabua’s new Cabinet lineup was officially announced to RMI ministry secretaries and department heads last Friday by the Clerk of Cabinet, Earlie Bing. According to the memo, Speaker Kenneth Kedi formally appointed President Kabua as the ninth president of the RMI last Friday. He was elected by Nitijela Monday of the same week. […]