By Journal on July 18, 2024
Alvin Jacklick, Cathy Matauto, Ebjedrik Island, Hilary Hosia, Jeledrik Binejal, Kwajalein, Lawson Matauto, Marshalls Christian High School, Mike Sam, Rongrong, Telmong Jacklick Kabua, United Church of Christ
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The United Church of Christ congregation in Majuro bid their final farewell to Reverend Harry Sam Monday evening prior to Harry’s departure to his resting grounds on Kwajalein. UCC core leadership President Rev. Lawson Matauto and Rev. Jeledrik Binejal presided over the service Monday at the UCC headquarters in Uliga while former Kwajalein […]
By Journal on March 23, 2023
79th Majuro Day, Brenson Wase, Bryan Lejjena, Chewy Lin, David Kabua, Irooj Kilom Ishiguro, Lawson Matauto, Majuro Atoll Local Government, Track and field facility, United Church of Christ, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

WILMER JOEL For the 79th Majuro Day last Friday and Saturday, the playing ground for the upcoming Micronesian Games was opened to the public for the second time. “There have been many changes throughout the year in how we practice and celebrate Majuro Atoll’s Liberation Day,” said Mayor Ladie Jack during the closing ceremony. “But […]
By Journal on May 26, 2022
Ailinglaplap, Amenta Matthew, Arno, Bank of the Marshall Islands, Brenda ALik, Ebeye, Ebon, Hilda Heine, Hirata Kabua, Jennifer Hawley, Kitlang Kabua., Kora Fund, Kwajalein, Lawson Matauto, Leilani Kemem, Majuro, Marie Maddison, Mars Wang, Mathilda Johnson, Mejit, Mike Kabua, Molly Helkena, Mon LaMike, Monique Graham, Tsai Ing-wen, Ujae, Wotje
News Archive

The Kora Fund issued its first loan to an Ebeye woman as part of its official launch for Kwajalein Atoll last week. A team of Kora (women’s) Fund and Bank of Marshall Islands officials went to Ebeye for the launch and to run a series of informational and training sessions about the new loan program. […]
By Journal on February 18, 2021
Alfred Alfred Jr., Bruce Bilimon, David Kabua, David Paul, Ebeye, Eve Burns, Hirata Kabua, Kitlang kabua, Lawson Matauto, Lerooj Anta James, Marie Milne, Mon Kubok, MV Ribuuk Meto, Sandy Alfred, Stephen Phillip
News Archive

Ribuuk Meto received a wild welcome party at Ebeye dock. The first event of Kwajalein Day was the christening of Ribuuk Meto, making its maiden voyage from Majuro to Kwajalein. This christening was unlike Majuro’s, which was, for lack of a better word, dull. Kwajalein folk really topped the bar on celebrating. Women were all […]
By Journal on February 11, 2021
Col. Jeremy Bartell, David Paul, Ebeye, Eve Burns, Itilang Jacob, Kwajalein, kwajalein High School, Kwajalein's Memorial Day, Lawson Matauto, Memorial Day, Mike Kabua, Ronnie Jibbwa, Roxanne Cabral
News Archive

Kwajalein’s 77th Memorial Day was a hit. The day started with a parade with the Kwajalein High School marching band playing from the Ebeye dock. The policed marched along with all the officials. Kwajalein High School band did a great job kicking up excitement. The motto for this year’s event was “Akbel jen wa,” which […]
By Journal on July 27, 2017
Journal Jilly, Lawson Matauto, Miba Shem, UCC, United Church of Christ
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA United Church of Christ members from the US mainland donated bundles of blankets to newborns, patients and staff at Majuro hospital recently. The demonstration of compassion was received with smiles — even the security guard received a blanket. The team of pastors, deacons and deaconesses, committee members and significant others were in Majuro […]