Marshall Islands Resort

IOM launches women’s biz program

IOM launches women’s biz program

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) hosted an introductory workshop earlier this month for a new funding opportunity to empower women in business. The workshop, held at Marshall Islands Resort, brought together interested people to learn about the new opportunity for women entrepreneurs. Funding is coming from the US government through IOM, which is rolling […]

RMI honors Japan Emperor Naruhito

RMI honors Japan Emperor Naruhito

The Japan Embassy hosted a reception to celebrate the 60th birthday of Japan’s Emperor Naruhito Monday this week — the first such celebration for Naruhito’s birthday as the new emperor took up the throne in May of last year. The Japan Embassy held a special “moment of silence” in honor of the late Iroojlaplap Lein […]

Marshall Islands Resort active ’23’

Marshall Islands Resort active ’23’

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Resort has a lot to celebrate in its 23rd anniversary this week Friday and Saturday — for starters the state-owned enterprise performs in an outstanding manner for a once heavily-subsidized entity. RMI government audits of the Resort show a well-managed entity. Perhaps most important is the bottom line in the latest […]

MIR seals Ebeye Hotel deal

MIR seals Ebeye Hotel deal

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Resort signed a two-year contract with Marshall Islands Development Bank to run the Ebeye Hotel last Friday at the MIDB headquarters. MIDB board members and MIR management team were present for the signing ceremony. MIDB board members praised MIR for accepting the bid, which took two years to materialize. “One of […]

Iron Man highlights MIR’s 21st

Iron Man highlights MIR’s 21st

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Resort celebrated its 21st anniversary Saturday with a full day of festivities, including the famed “Kone Jubar” or Iron Man race. Ten canoes signed up for the Kone Jubar competition. Each canoe had a team of two, with the exception of a bigger canoe that required three men to sail. To […]

Ben and Vivian are di-vine!

Ben and Vivian are di-vine!

The world premiere of “Marshallese Be Like” will be held at this Saturday’s Jambo Arts festival in the Lomalo Room at the MIR. The film will show at 8 PM and stars Ben Wakefield, who played Batmon in the latest from Microwave Films, Batmon vs Majuro, and Vivian Niedenthal, who helped direct and also acted […]

Great support for jaki-ed auction

Great support for jaki-ed auction

The Tenth Annual Jaki-ed Exhibition and Silent Auction garnered $7,440 in earnings for the wonderful weavers of the mats on display at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room. In the expert weavers section of the evening, the judges chose the mat by Motrik Paul from Ailinglaplap to be the all-round best exhibit.USP’s Jacqueline Lakmis said […]

Resort hosts big 20th celebration

Resort hosts big 20th celebration

Marshall Islands Resort kicks off its three-day 20th anniversary celebration Thursday August 4 with an opening ceremony from 5:30pm, and Friday and Saturday will see a range of cultural activities on the lagoon side of the hotel, along with canoe races (Friday afternoon) and Iron Man (Kone Jubar) and recycle boat fishing tournament (Saturday afternoon). […]