By Journal on April 19, 2019
Ebeye, Henry Peter, Jorlang, Joseph Horlang, Litokwa Tomeing, Micronitor Copy Cat Service, MIHS, Milan Edward, Ron Reagan, Selvenios, Women’s Club
Back In The Day
Journal 4/20/1982 P3 Ebeye group in Majuro A group from the Ebeye Catholic Women’s Club is presently in Majuro visiting the Majuro Catholic Women’s Club. The group is headed by Fr. Leonard Hacker, SJ. P7 Classifieds ARE YOU AFRAID of people like Ron Reagan, Haig (the man, not the drink!) and Thatcher? If so join […]
By Journal on February 1, 2019
Marshall Islands High School, MIHS, Sr. Dorothy Mook, teen pregnancy
Back In The Day

Journal 2/1/1982 P1 Burnett confirmed, Nitijela in recess awaiting budget Nitijela January 29 unanimously approved the nomination of Harold W. Burnett to be the first Chief Justice of the Marshall Islands Supreme Court. The parliament then recessed subject to the call of the Speaker to await the FY1983 budget which the Cabinet will submit when […]
By Journal on May 25, 2018
Andrea deBrum, Celista Namto, Ester Thomas, Faleala Mae, Heslina Kerong, Jola Lejer, Kimiko Mista, Majuro Do it Best, MIHS, Pearlina Jajo, Raine Kabinmeto, Robert Reimers Enterprises, Utoane Teniu
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA For the past many years, Marshall Islands High School has operated a practicum course for qualified seniors, where students join the normal nine-to-five workforce whether it’s at Majuro hospital, Robert Reimers Enterprises or Majuro Do It Best. But for instructor Utoane Teniu and her 13 sewing students, one seamstress shop wasn’t enough — […]
By Journal on July 14, 2017
Janek Hemos, MIHS, Rosie Edward, Selina Chinoska
Feature Articles

Five hundred and sixty students graduated this year from public and private schools in the Marshall Islands. According to graduation data provided by the Public School System and individual private schools, slightly more girls graduated this year than boys. Girls accounted for 289 — 52 percent — of this year’s graduates, while there were 271 […]
By Journal on June 9, 2017
Aneta Amsa, Earlie Watley, Evelyn Konou, Marshall Islands High School, MIHS, Peace Corps, Wilbur Heine
Feature Articles

Marshall Islands High School (MIHS) and Ministry of Education’s Public School System honored Earlie Watley for 51 years of service last Friday during the MIHS graduation. PSS Commissioner Evelyn Konou stated during the ceremony that Watley taught over 12,000 students in his career. Watley is going into retirement. A record 207 MIHS seniors graduated at […]
By Journal on May 18, 2017
Hilary Hosia, Kanchi Hosia, Marshall Islands High School, MIHS, prom, Rubitha Alik
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Hundreds of teenagers attending Saturday’s Marshall Islands High School prom were without official chaperones as they partied into the night. Many parents said the complete lack of MIHS staff made the event “illegal” and “not safe.” The Public School System’s Assistant Commissioner Kanchi Hosia said, “it is my understanding that at least some […]
By Journal on June 10, 2016
Anderson Takiah, Anella Billy, Bernice Joash, Carlden Jormeah, Clement Capelle, Emeram Adiniwin, Freddy Capelle, Helen Heltera, Henry Patrick, Jackeo Relang, Juan Lokot, Juliet Jelke, Kanchi Hosia, Kathleen Paul, Kira Jelly, Lydia Riklon, Marilyn Jacklick, Marshall Islands High School, Meria Lemari, MIHS, Piera Subillie, Queenie deBrum, Tom Thomas, William Nelson, Zion Thomas
Back In The Day

Journal 6/10/1974 P1 Convention delegate election ho hum Election Day June 4 for the upcoming Constittuion Convention of all six districts of Micronesia. In most districts it was an election day like any other, with a fair representation of voters taking place. In the Marshalls, however, where the question of voting or not voting was […]
By Journal on April 15, 2016
Jerre Bennett, MIHS
Back In The Day

Journal 4/16/1976 P2 The Nite Life, ain’t no good life, but it’s my life By Stoney My friend Jim Duffy was really drunk last night when he came to the Reef, there’s one thing with Duffy, when he’s drunk you can’t understand what he talk about, like when he’s talking to you about fishing, and […]
By Journal on February 19, 2016
Atina Schutz, Education Week, Eugene de Guzman, Herma Lokojje, Hilary Hosia, Julius Edward, Kina Jordan, MIHS
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands High School was pronounced the 2016 Education Week’ debate champions following a heated battle of wits with runner up Laura High School last Thursday at the International Conference Center in Delap. A seven all-women judge panel concluded that MIHS debaters Kina Jordan and Julius Edward held a stronger argument against their […]