By Journal on October 9, 2020
Bill Keldermans, Bollong Joklur, Bwilej JIbas, Caleb Rantak, Ellan Jorkan, Fabio Amaral, John Lanham, Nathan Tartios, Neimon Philippo, Person Joseph, Phillip Muller, RRE, Tommy deBrum, Wame Taklur, Zebedy Tarkwon
Back In The Day

Journal 10/11/1983 P5 TRC judges appointed High Court Chief Justice John Lanham issued an appointment order October 7 for the judges of the Traditional Rights Court. Appointed as irooj member are Bwilej Jibas from Ralik, Wame Taklur from Ratak, and Bollong Joklur from Ratak. The alab members are Caleb Rantak from Ralik, Zebedy Tarkwon from […]
By Journal on May 29, 2020
Fred Muller, Henchi Balos, Kejjo Bien, Leena Muller, Phillip Muller, Posesi Bloomfield, Richard Hickson, Russell Kun
Back In The Day

Journal 5/27/1983 P1 Balos says new 177 worse than old one Bikini Senator Henchi Balos told the United Nations Trusteeship Council last week that the present 177 nuclear claims proposal under discussion is “even worse” than the one signed a year ago. In a departure from his prepared remarks, Balos described the 177 subsidiary agreement […]
By Journal on August 10, 2018
bowl, bowling, Krystle Enterprise, Linda Muller, Phillip Muller
Back In The Day

Journal 8/14/1981 P1 Kabua back from Washington President Amata Kabua arrived back from his official visit to the United States this morning aboard a US Air Force C-141 aircraft. He was escorted here by Kwajalein Missile Range Commander, Col. Peter Wittereid. Lined up at the terminal were many top government officials who made sure there […]
By Journal on April 20, 2017
Casten Nemra, Christopher Loeak, Con-Con, Hilda Heine, Kenneth Kedi, Kessai Note, Kotak Loeak, Litokwa Tomeing, Lomes McKay, Marshall Islands Constitution, Phillip Muller, Ruben Zackhras, Yolanda Lodge-Ned
News Archive

Kessai Note was elected President for the 2017 Constitutional Convention at the International Conference Center Thursday. Note won by a single vote over Christopher Loeak 22-21. Casten Nemra won the vice presidency from Phillip Muller 25-18, while Yolanda Lodge-Ned got the favor of 41 delegates to win the secretarial seat by secret ballot as she […]
By Journal on November 26, 2015
Bruce Bilimon, Caios Lucky, David Kramer, David Paul, Donald Capelle, Hiroshi Yamamura, Jeban Riklon, Jiba Kabua, Kalani Kaneko, Michael Konelios, Mike Kabua, Minister Tony deBrum, Phillip Muller, Rien Morris, RMI election, Sherwood Tibon
News Archive

Voters want change and new directions for the RMI, two winning candidates told the Journal this week. “The people have spoken and they want change,” said incumbent Majuro Senator David Kramer, who is being returned to office with 2,477 domestic votes in the Majuro electorate. “They want a new government and that is evidenced by […]
By Journal on November 20, 2015
Anjua Loeak, Brenson Wase, Mudge Samuel, Phillip Muller, Tony deBrum, Women's Athletic Club, WUTMI
Back In The Day

Journal 11/12/1976 P8 Worms eradicated The local Agriculture Department here surely deserves a note of congratulations — thanks to the quick work of district agriculturalist Liki Labi, a serious plague of worms found in a local hydroponic station was taken care of with a suitable pesticide. According to our source, the worms were reported one […]