By Journal on February 1, 2018
Bobby Muller, Giff Johnson, John Masek, Karl Fellenius, Lein Zedkeia, Marshall Islands Conservation Society, Martin Romain, Moriana Phillips, PII, Reginald White, RMI EPA
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Pacific International Inc. is proposing a major land reclamation project as part of developing a wide-range of on-shore facilities and services to support fishing vessels in Majuro. The plan was outlined by PII Manager Bobby Muller at a public hearing sponsored by the RMI EPA Monday held at Marshall Islands Resort’s Lomalo Room. […]
By Journal on January 26, 2018
RAISING PACIFIC VOICES CSO-LA/2016/374-324 CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST RESOURCE CONSULTANT ‘Raising Pacific Voices: Reinforcing Pacific Civil Society’ (RPV) is a three-year regional program, funded by the European Union and implemented by Oxfam in the Pacific, working in partnership with the Pacific Disability Forum, as Pacific Regional NGO (PRNGO) Alliance focal point. The program aims […]
By Journal on January 26, 2018
beer, Marshall Islands
Back In The Day

Journal 1/23/1981 P1 Airport water catchment completed The $3.3 million expansion and improvement of the Majuro water system — catchments and reservoirs at the airport — was officially completed January 22. Secretary of Public Works Charles Domnick accepted the project for the government. P6 Mili dispensary has drug shortages With a population of just under […]
By Journal on January 26, 2018
Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Agenda 2020, Benjamin Graham, Carl Ingram, Donald Capelle, Government Employee Forum, Hilda Heine, Junior Patrick, Marshall Islands, Stevenson Kotton
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The first Government Employee Forum took place Monday at the International Conference Center with President Hilda Heine, Public Service Commission Chairman Donald Capelle, Chief Secretary Benjamin Graham and Auditor General Junior Patrick speaking and engaging with employees in question and answer sessions. Deputy Chief Secretary Abacca Anjain-Maddison emceed the event, which featured the […]
By Journal on January 25, 2018
Christa, Christa deBrum, Christal deBrum, Danny Paul, Kenneth Kramer, Kirtaki, Lotojo, Majuro Urok Club, Marshalls Billfish Club, Melven Aliven, Randy Jack, Rebecca Lathrop, Robin Milne, Ronnie Reimers, Team Jaqueline
News Archive

The Miss Christa 5th Memorial Double Up fishing derby last Saturday included the carry over from the recent Catch-5 derby. The event, run by Marshalls Billfish Club, featured many fishermen but no one won the Catch-5, which has now been rolled over to the July two-day fishing tournament. A bottom fishing tournament run by Majuro […]
By Journal on January 25, 2018
Assumption, Ladie Jack, Xavier
Feature Articles

Over a hundred students from public and private schools sat the Xavier High School Entrance exam last Saturday at Assumption School. For the first time in history, the Public School System partnered with Assumption and Marshall Islands Friends of Xavier (MiFox) to support the test. Because the test is four hours long, two hours on […]
By Journal on January 25, 2018
Anderson Jibas, Bikini Town Hall, Doug Domenech, Kili-Bikini-Ejit, Lisa Murkowski, Nikolao Pula, Ryan Zinke
News Archive

US Senator Lisa Murkowski from Alaska followed through on her promise late last year to introduce legislation to mandate US Interior Department control over the Bikini Resettlement Trust Fund. A hearing on Senate Bill 2182 is set for next month in Washington, DC. Murkowski was angered by the Interior Department’s decision last November to give […]
By Journal on January 19, 2018
Department of Interior, Gale Norton, Richard Pombo
Back In The Day

Journal 1/16/1981 P2 Marshalls bank waiting Marshall Islands Bank organizer Milt Polland told the Journal this week that corporation papers are all that is holding up work on the bank. Polland said he filed applications for foreign business permits for the bank and an insurance company in May, 1980. He said if the Marshalls wants […]
By Journal on January 18, 2018
atake, Iolap, Jeirok, Junior Zebedy, Kelly Lorennij, Laura farms, Lomar, Malok, Marilla Capelle, Marlyna Laibwij, Marton Lolin, Nilo Lolin, Takirua Taie
News Archive

KELLY LORENNIJ People call Laura “the jungle place,” when in fact “the country side” would be more accurate as the number of farms, some full-decked with crops and animals, have been steadily increasing in the past few years. Starting from the first district, Jeirok, there are already more than a couple of home-sized farms. Junior […]
By Journal on January 18, 2018
Dr. Shih-Wen Wang, Majuro Hospital, Mija Kaious, Nosie Minor, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei University
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Since her first day working with local patients at the Majuro hospital last Wednesday, visiting Ophthalmologist Dr. Shih-Wen Wang has screened approximately 101 patients as of Tuesday, with 22 pending surgery cases. Hospital staff assisting Dr. Wang said she had three confirmed surgeries scheduled for Tuesday alone. Dr. Wang is from the Taipei […]