FAS citizens engage with legislators in US

FAS citizens engage with legislators in US

As more islanders from the Freely Associated States (FAS) settle in the United States through visa-free terms of the Compact with Washington, island communities are becoming increasingly active with state legislatures seeking recognition and engagement. In the mid-1990s, the US Congress eliminated eligibility of Marshall Islanders, Micronesians and Palauans for federal Medicaid health insurance, and […]

Tobolar staff lose $100,000

Tobolar staff lose $100,000

Over $100,000 in cash for copra payments may have been stolen from Tobolar by employees, according to the most recent Deloitte audit of the agency. A total of $27,077 in leftover copra cash was not returned to Tobolar by employees, and another $80,000 is unaccounted for, the audit said. It pointed out that Tobolar issues […]

RMI loses $4.7m funding

RMI loses $4.7m funding

Journal 5/30/1975 P1 Micronesia may get 200-mile rights from LoS conference Micronesia represented itself at the United Nations Law of the Sea Conference recently in Geneva, Switzerland. The Micronesian delegation was headed by Marshalls Rep. Charles Domnick. Also at the meeting were Special Consultant Frederick Wyle, Special Advisor Andon Amaraich and Truk Senator Nick Bossy. […]

Journal available for all your devices

Journal available for all your devices

The Marshall Islands Journal is now available for all your devices. iPhone? Check. iPad? Check. Android tablet or phone? Check. PC or Mac computer? Check. Want to see how it looks on your device? Go to the following link to open a free copy of the Journal: https://marshallislandsjournal.com/Journal_WP/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Marshall-Islands-Journal-1-29-2016.pdf Like what you see? Subscribe at the […]

RMI-ROC woman presidents meet

RMI-ROC woman presidents meet

President Hilda Heine and First Gentleman Tommy Kijiner, Jr., left Majuro earlier this month with a delegation to attend the inauguration of Republic of China/Taiwan’s first woman President, Tsai Ing-wen. The RMI delegation visit to Taiwan took place from May 16 to 21. President Heine and delegation also participated in bilateral meetings and other events […]

Tuna men file complaint

Tuna men file complaint

American fishing captains are asking RMI law enforcement officials to put an end to ongoing assaults and robberies in Majuro of crew members from US-flagged purse seiners. The navigator on a US-flagged purse seiner who was robbed at knife point in a Majuro taxi earlier this month and his captain  filed a formal complaint to […]

Lawyers support nuclear team

Lawyers support nuclear team

ISAAC MARTY A $500 check was donated by the Marshall Islands Law Society (MILS) to the Radiation Exposure Awareness Crusaders of Humanity – Marshall Islands (REACH-MI) last Friday. MILS President Witten Philippo said they are supporting REACH-MI on its worthwhile objectives to promote awareness about the nuclear testing legacy in the RMI on their 2017 […]

Outgoing US Ambassador Armbruster

Outgoing US Ambassador Armbruster

Tom Armbruster was scheduled to depart Majuro Wednesday this week, his last day as the US government’s ambassador to the RMI. New Ambassador Karen Stewart was confirmed by the US Senate last week, which green lighted Armbruster to make reservations and go “wheels up” as he heads to San Antonio, Texas to join his wife […]