By Journal on May 13, 2016
Eugene Muller, FSM, Glen Joseph, Koo's, MIMRA, RMI
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Two of seven Koo’s Fishing Company purse seiners recently reflagged in the Federated States of Micronesia. Does this indicate that Koo’s is moving out of RMI and that the high-level of tuna transshipment featured in Port Majuro for the past several years is moving to Pohnpei? “No” on both counts, though RMI’s fisheries […]
By Journal on May 12, 2016
Ailuk, Amanda Witherell, Bonny Taggart, Brian Twitchell, GEF-SGS, Rufina Jack, sewing
News Archive

Ailuk Mayor Rufina Jack is always on the lookout for projects that will benefit the atoll. In 2014, she approached on-island grant writer Bonny Taggart about seeking funding to initiate a sewing training project on Ailuk – using machines that don’t need electricity. Bonny found a vendor in the US for the machines and treadle […]
By Journal on May 12, 2016
buoy, Dan Fitzgerald, Delap, Kimball Millikan, PacIOOS, Reggie White, Tom Armbruster, wave, Zdenka Willis
News Archive

The Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) redeployed its wave buoy outside of Majuro last week. Located about a half nautical mile off Delap Point, the yellow wave buoy measures wave height, direction, period, and sea surface temperature in 30 minute intervals. The reinstalled buoy joins the existing PacIOOS network of 13 real-time wave buoys […]
By Journal on May 6, 2016
basketball, ECC gym, Kwajalein, Majuro
Back In The Day

Journal 5/7/1976 P11 The Nite Life by Stoney Talking with my Australian buddy Geoff Clark who just came back from Australia, he was saying about the service on Air Nauru is really excellent, and they really using their motto, “We’ll fly you across the Pacific and give you the best service you ever come across.” […]
By Journal on May 6, 2016
Benedict Yamamura, Dr. Dirk Spennemann, Giff Johnson, Michael Petterson, Tom Armbruster, Wake Island
Feature Articles

GIFF JOHNSON Although the United States claims Wake Island as its territory, the Marshall Islands has now put its competing claim on record at the United Nations, reaffirming that the RMI considers “Eneen Kio” home territory. The Marshall Islands has ties to Wake — which is known as Eneen Kio in Marshallese language — that […]
By Journal on May 6, 2016
Collin Beck, Jasmine Mendiola, Makurita Baaro, Maurice Brownjohn, PNA, Schneider Yasi, Tiarite Kwong, tuna, World Tuna Day
News Archive

World Tuna Day was celebrated in New York City earlier this week, with dozens of Pacific island leaders, industry and others gathered for the event. This is the sixth year of tuna day that was launched by Parties to the Nauru Agreement in 2011. “This was our first time to celebrate World Tuna Day in […]
By Journal on May 5, 2016
Azim Bungitak, Danity Laukon, debate, Erin Gerard, Hilary Hosia, Joshua Cimble, Morson Aisea, Rudy Mea, Tempo Langabata
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Laura High School’s team was named 37th Constitution Day Debate champions following an intense battle of wits with visiting Kwajalein High School Tuesday at the International Conference Center. The schools argued whether the government should ban the importation and selling of plastic bags, Styrofoam plates and cups. Using real life experience and the […]
By Journal on May 5, 2016
Barack Obama, Dan Dieckhaus, drought, El Nino
News Archive

President Barack Obama’s Presidential Disaster Declaration (PDD) late last week has opened the doors to additional US federal aid for drought relief in the Marshall Islands. “The PDD allows us to tap into FEMA resources,” said USAID Office for Disaster Assistance Regional Advisor Dan Dieckhaus, who is based at the US Embassy in Majuro. Earlier […]
By Journal on April 29, 2016
basketball, Marose Aster
Back In The Day

Journal 5/2/1974 P1 Will Tinian have a choice? With a plebiscite scheduled for June 17, and the choices being whether to forever become an American commonwealth or remain part of the Trust Territory, many islanders on Tinian feel they will be “forced” by voters on other islands in the Marianas to carry the military burden. […]
By Journal on April 29, 2016
CDC, Chinilla Pedro Peter, Zika virus
Feature Articles

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced this week that Chinilla Pedro Peter has been named “Act Early Ambassador” for the Marshall Islands. This program is developing a network of state-level experts to improve early identification practices. The critical importance of this network has intensified with recognition of the prenatal damage that is caused by […]