Back In The Day

MIC the only place for fun

MIC the only place for fun

Journal 1/17/1986 P1 Patient-ly awaiting final touches The Mercy International hospital administrators have begun their transition phase for the move to the new hospital although construction officials were not able to give an exact date for completion of the new $8 million facility in Delap. Mercy administrator Skip Cole said their plan is to complete […]

Scout troops in the prison

Scout troops in the prison

Journal 1/3/1986 P1 Youth crime attacked Nearly 800 crimes were committed in Majuro in 1984 by young people. Although no hard statistics are yet available, by all accounts the crime rate among youth appeared to rise in 1985. The largest number of crimes in 1984 were “disturbing the peace,” but nearly 300 involved burglary or […]

New record set for RMI

New record set for RMI

Journal 12/27/1985 P4 Guinness Record from Marshall Islands Everyone has faced a pressing deadline before, and around a newspaper deadlines are a fact of life — although when the certainty of a power outage is hanging over you, it tends to make the blood pressure rise faster as the minute stick off a countdown to […]

Amata’s turning point in 1972

Amata’s turning point in 1972

Journal 12-20-1985P1 Compact flies With lightning speed not seen during the past two years of US Congressional hearings, both the House and the Senate approved identical versions of the Compact of Free Association, paving the way for final termination of the last United Nations Trusteeship. The House passed the document by voice vote on December […]

Senators slam 177 ‘espousal’

Senators slam 177 ‘espousal’

Journal 11/29/1985 P1 Espousal slammed in Senate Six US Senators went on raced before the Compact voter earlier this month stating their opposition to the Compact’s “espousal” provisions, primarily on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. In addition, Sen. James McClure, who chairs the Senate Energy Committee, said that if new claims arise in the […]

Landowners won’t move

Landowners won’t move

Journal11/22/1985 P3 KAC reclaims islands in payment protest A small group of Kwajalein landowners are not moving from their islands in the mid-corridor of the atoll, although November 14 was the date the Army planned to resume range operations after a six-week “down period.” Kwajalein Atoll Corporation attorney George Allen said in Honolulu that about […]

Jeton angers US officials

Jeton angers US officials

Journal 11/15/1985 P1 American UN official enraged by Rongelap Senator’s actions Rongelap Senator Jeton Anjain delivered stinging criticism of the US nuclear testing program and its follow up medical aid to fallout victims in a speech to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly in New York October 30. He accused the US […]

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