Back In The Day

AMI service to Honolulu?

AMI service to Honolulu?

Journal 8/29/1986 P1 Carmen leaving for Honolulu post Carmen Bigler will add another key position to her growing portfolio of government positions when she takes over as chief of RepMar’s Honolulu Liaison Office. Bigger has been Secretary of Interior and Outer Islands Affairs since 1981. P16 Bill’s fish It wasn’t the luckiest year for the […]

No control of passports

No control of passports

Journal 8/22/1986 P1 Chief Moisa a fugitive? As news an impending long-term contact renewal for Police Chief Jose Moisa circulated in the capital this week, the Journal has learned from high-level police sources in Mexico that Moisa is wanted in connection with the shooting of two police officers. RepMar Ministry of Justice officials, who are […]

Youth train at Arno Atoll

Youth train at Arno Atoll

Journal 8/15/1986 P1 More than ever before The Marshalls population boom is really showing up in the record number of elementary school students trying to get into a limited number of available spaces in high schools. While the number of students taking the high school entrance exam increased dramatically from 810 in 1985 to over […]

RMI wins first medal

RMI wins first medal

Journal 8/8/1986 P1 RepMar-Four Atolls in step on fund plan RepMar and leaders of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Utrik have reached basic agreement on the plan for investing $150 million in compensation money the islands will receive under the Compact. Cabinet is awaiting a report evaluating the management selection process which is due in a […]

Holly finds war remains

Holly finds war remains

Journal 8/1/1986 P5 Mudge blasts RepMar police actions The RepMar-MALGov police turf battle continues to heat up with a war of words between the two government agencies. MALGov justice minister Mudge Samuel blasted RepMar police chief Jose Moisa for what he described as the chief’s retune practice of arresting youth, stripping them naked and taking […]

Tribunal asks for help

Tribunal asks for help

Journal 7/18/1986P3 Peace Corps promoting healthy islands The 20th anniversary of the Peace Corps in Micronesia is rolling around, and with it are coming some big changes in the program in the Marshalls. Since the day a new group of nine Peace Corps Volunteers stepped off an Air Mike flight last week, they have been […]

Wally wins July tourney

Wally wins July tourney

Journal 7/11/1986 P1 Big winner, big smile Kenneth Kramer showed off the 190-pound Pacific blue marlin he caught Friday to win the Fourth Annual Marshalls Billfish Club tournament. Five marlin highlighted the two-day event. Fifteen-year-old Kenneth wowed the thousands of spectators dockside Friday when he brought in the first and largest fish of the tournament. […]

USAKA cuts hurts budget

USAKA cuts hurts budget

Journal 6/26/1987 P1 N-suit vetoed Marshallese nuclear claimants were handed a stunning set back when a US judge dismissed the billion dollar lawsuits last week Tuesday. US District Court Judge Thomas F. Hogan ruled that his court had no jurisdiction to consider the claims filed by the Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project, which represents […]

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