Feature Articles

Taiwan donation for early diagnosis

Taiwan donation for early diagnosis

An increasing number of patients in RMI are being diagnosed with gastrointestinal cancer while the sole colonoscopy system at Majuro hospital has been non-operational for months, impacting the capacity for clinical diagnosis and treatment, reports the Ministry of Health and Human Services. In response to this urgent healthcare need, Taiwan’s Shuang Ho Hospital and Majuro […]

Airport terminal plan developing

Airport terminal plan developing

There is renewed progress for a new airport terminal in Majuro. The RMI Ports Authority late last week posted an architect’s conceptual view of a new two-story terminal for Amata Kabua International Airport along with a request for public comments by May 1. Ports Authority “is in discussion with Japan International Cooperation Agency for the […]

USP makes students happy

USP makes students happy

EVE BURNS An exciting and new development took place at University of the South Pacific earlier this month — blessing ceremony in celebration of the first ever student lounge. Witnessing the ceremony were USP alumni, staff, students, National Training Council Director Julius Lucky and Ministry of Education representatives. The idea for a student lounge came […]

CMI celebrates 31st birthday

CMI celebrates 31st birthday

WILMER JOEL Interim President Dr. Elizabeth Switaj announced that 17 percent of students who enrolled in fall 2020 finished their associated degrees last summer during the 31st anniversary opening of CMI on Tuesday. “This means that we have achieved our institution set standards of 15 percent for the second time in college history,” she said. […]

Canoes grab students’ focus

Canoes grab students’ focus

A visit to Waan Aelon in Majel (Canoes of the Marshall Islands) last week allowed a College of the Marshall Islands Marshallese class to immerse themselves in the traditional knowledge of navigation and canoe building. The trip was led by college instructor Risi Matthew. Director of WAM Alson Kelen and expert canoe builder Binton Daniel […]

Jiba laid to rest in Majuro

Jiba laid to rest in Majuro

The late Minister and Ambassador Jiba Kabua’s remains were laid to rest Sunday afternoon at the family compound in Majuro next to the grave site of his father, first President and founding father Amata Kabua. Kabua, 74, was the eldest in his family. He died from cancer earlier in the month at Majuro hospital. A […]

Vets treat Majuro animals

Vets treat Majuro animals

The name RMI Love Animals was beautifully personified by the very team conducting pet treatments in Majuro this week as witnessed by their overall compassion toward the pets. The entire team, although broke down into several stations, functions with utmost compassion toward all the animals regardless of size, breed or status (pet or stray.) The […]

RMI pursues Honolulu air service

RMI pursues Honolulu air service

RMI’s Aviation Task Force briefed two Cabinet Ministers this week on the proposed joint AMI-Nauru Airlines Majuro-to-Honolulu air service in hopes of gaining RMI government backing to launch the service in 2024. The possible Majuro-Honolulu-Majuro route has been discussed for the past two years by the Aviation Task Force, but is getting a new push […]

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