By Journal on December 22, 2016
58kg category, Jessida Lucero, Mattie Sasser, Sarabeth Phillips, Terry Sasser, USAW World Team, weightlifting
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Mattie Sasser continued her winning ways with a gold medal performance in the United States earlier this month. Competing at the 2016 American Open weightlifting competition in Orlando, Florida, Sasser’s 88kg/194lb snatch and 113kg/249lb clean and jerk for a 201kg/442lbs total broke her previous Oceania 58kg junior snatch and total records. At USA Weightlifting’s (USAW) […]
By Journal on December 16, 2016
Emperor Akihito, Emperor's birthday, Hideyuki Mitsuoka, Hilda Heine, Japan, Mattlan Zackhras, Sarah Nelson
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Although Japan will be hosting a grand celebration to mark His Majesty Emperor Akihito’s eighty-third birthday in Tokyo on December 23, the country’s foreign partners — spread across 230 embassies and consulates — have already begun celebrating. And this includes the Japan Embassy in Marshall Islands, which held a birthday party for the Emperor last […]
By Journal on December 15, 2016
Berry Muller, Feleti Teo, fisheries, fishing, Monte Depaune, Rhea Moss-Christian, WCPFC
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Rhea Moss-Christian was unanimously elected to continue in her post as chairperson of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission for an additional two years. She chaired the regional fisheries management organization for an initial two-year term that ended at last week’s WCPFC annual meeting in Fiji. When the election of chairs for the WCPFC […]
By Journal on December 15, 2016
Amatlain Kabua, Ludwig Kumoru, May 2, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, United Nations, World Tuna Day
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The United Nations General Assembly voted last week to establish World Tuna Day as an internationally-recognized event. The event initiated by the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) in 2011 has now gained international ratification for the annual celebration of tuna on May 2. The United Nations General Assembly voted without objection to ratify a […]
By Journal on December 8, 2016
Daisy Alik Momotaro, Hanna Zedkaia, Kenneth Kedi, Marshalls Christian School, Mejedrik, Rongrong
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The torrential rain and engulfing waves did not prevent Nitijela Speaker Kenneth Kedi and his delegation from sharing the Christmas spirit with the students and staff at Marshalls Christian School in Rongrong last Saturday. The visiting group, which is a combination of Nitijela staffs, Mejedrik representatives, former first lady Hanna Zedkaia and Jaluit Senator Daisy […]
By Journal on December 8, 2016
Christopher Loeak, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, Ladie Jack, NCD, NCDs
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President Hilda Heine called on the entire Marshallese community, — government agencies, non-government offices and churches and diplomatic allies to help the Ministry of Health in the battle against Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) during the opening of the first NCD Summit Tuesday at the International Conference Center. “The time for talk is over,” Heine said. “The […]
By Journal on December 8, 2016
bluefin, Fiji, Pacific bluefin, Pew Charitable Trusts, WCPFC
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The Pacific bluefin tuna has been overfished for decades and has seen population declines of 97 percent, but a management proposal to be considered by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) this week would not improve the status quo and should be rejected by member governments, according to The Pew Charitable Trusts. The […]
By Journal on December 1, 2016
Clean School Program, RMI EPA, trash
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The Clean School Program has distributed three wire trash bins to 15 schools on Majuro earlier this month. The Clean School Program is leaded by RMI EPA Education and Awareness Division and supported by Public School System, Majuro Atoll Waste Company, MALGov and Japan International Cooperation Agency. The aim of this project is to reduce […]
By Journal on December 1, 2016
Hideyuki Mitsuoka, JAXA, Mike Halferty, rocket
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Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has located a mobile vehicle at Amata Kabua International Airport to monitor a rocket launch from Japan next month. JAXA is engaged in space exploration for economic development, quality of life improvements, and safety and security. It operates several satellites that monitor climate change globally, and has developed rockets to launch […]
By Journal on December 1, 2016
compressor, Hideyuki Mistuoka, MAWC, recycle
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HILARY HOSIA Christmas came early for Majuro Atoll Waste Company (MAWC). With just a push of a button, the bottle compressor machine went to work and converted eight barrels of aluminum cans and plastic bottles into a perfect rectangle similar to a giant Popsicle. The machine, along with a metal compressor, two hand lifters, and […]