By Journal on May 26, 2016
Anram Chichi Kemem, Claire Loeak, Cutty Wase, Isaac Marty, Jack Jorbon, Lani Kramer, Marcus Bennett, MILS, REACH-MI, Rosania Bennett, Witten Philippo
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ISAAC MARTY A $500 check was donated by the Marshall Islands Law Society (MILS) to the Radiation Exposure Awareness Crusaders of Humanity – Marshall Islands (REACH-MI) last Friday. MILS President Witten Philippo said they are supporting REACH-MI on its worthwhile objectives to promote awareness about the nuclear testing legacy in the RMI on their 2017 […]
By Journal on May 26, 2016
Armbruster, Karen Stewart, US Ambassador
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Tom Armbruster was scheduled to depart Majuro Wednesday this week, his last day as the US government’s ambassador to the RMI. New Ambassador Karen Stewart was confirmed by the US Senate last week, which green lighted Armbruster to make reservations and go “wheels up” as he heads to San Antonio, Texas to join his wife […]
By Journal on May 20, 2016
Assumption, Chelsea Armstrong, Co-op, Emily Dale, Fred Murphy, Jim Denight, Kristin Olson Hogan, Linda Reser, Marsha Taylor, Stephanie Douglas, WASC
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Accreditation teams from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) visited Assumption Schools (both elementary and high school) and Majuro Cooperative School recently, as well as public schools, as part of ongoing accreditation review. Assumption received praise for their continuing efforts to improve the school from visiting WASC representatives Evelyn Managa and Doug Baumgart […]
By Journal on May 19, 2016
666. seiner, Fong Seong, MALGov, Matt Holly, Pacific International Inc., Will Lathrop
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A 260-foot purse seiner ran aground oceanside on the northern reef of Majuro last Thursday, and initial efforts to pull the boat off the reef were unsuccessful. Rescue work was planned for Wednesday, but representatives of the ship company that owns the vessel requested delay until Thursday so a company official from Taiwan could fly […]
By Journal on May 19, 2016
Dr. Kennar Briand, Kosrae, Majuro, Zika
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No cases of the Zika virus have been detected in Majuro for two months, prompting the Ministry of Health to announce this week that Zika appears to no longer be present in RMI. At the same time, Interim Health Secretary Dr. Kennar Briand cautioned that the virus is still active in Kosrae and others islands […]
By Journal on May 13, 2016
Eugene Muller, FSM, Glen Joseph, Koo's, MIMRA, RMI
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GIFF JOHNSON Two of seven Koo’s Fishing Company purse seiners recently reflagged in the Federated States of Micronesia. Does this indicate that Koo’s is moving out of RMI and that the high-level of tuna transshipment featured in Port Majuro for the past several years is moving to Pohnpei? “No” on both counts, though RMI’s fisheries […]
By Journal on May 12, 2016
Ailuk, Amanda Witherell, Bonny Taggart, Brian Twitchell, GEF-SGS, Rufina Jack, sewing
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Ailuk Mayor Rufina Jack is always on the lookout for projects that will benefit the atoll. In 2014, she approached on-island grant writer Bonny Taggart about seeking funding to initiate a sewing training project on Ailuk – using machines that don’t need electricity. Bonny found a vendor in the US for the machines and treadle […]
By Journal on May 12, 2016
buoy, Dan Fitzgerald, Delap, Kimball Millikan, PacIOOS, Reggie White, Tom Armbruster, wave, Zdenka Willis
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The Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) redeployed its wave buoy outside of Majuro last week. Located about a half nautical mile off Delap Point, the yellow wave buoy measures wave height, direction, period, and sea surface temperature in 30 minute intervals. The reinstalled buoy joins the existing PacIOOS network of 13 real-time wave buoys […]
By Journal on May 6, 2016
Collin Beck, Jasmine Mendiola, Makurita Baaro, Maurice Brownjohn, PNA, Schneider Yasi, Tiarite Kwong, tuna, World Tuna Day
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World Tuna Day was celebrated in New York City earlier this week, with dozens of Pacific island leaders, industry and others gathered for the event. This is the sixth year of tuna day that was launched by Parties to the Nauru Agreement in 2011. “This was our first time to celebrate World Tuna Day in […]
By Journal on May 5, 2016
Azim Bungitak, Danity Laukon, debate, Erin Gerard, Hilary Hosia, Joshua Cimble, Morson Aisea, Rudy Mea, Tempo Langabata
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HILARY HOSIA Laura High School’s team was named 37th Constitution Day Debate champions following an intense battle of wits with visiting Kwajalein High School Tuesday at the International Conference Center. The schools argued whether the government should ban the importation and selling of plastic bags, Styrofoam plates and cups. Using real life experience and the […]