By Journal on February 6, 2025
Amatlain Elizabeth Kabua, Amatlain Kabua, Emperor Nauhito, Gold and Silver Star, Hilary Hosia, Neijon Edwards, Soma Hirohisa, The Order of the Rising Sun
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Career public servant Amatlain Elizabeth Kabua was awarded “The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star” following a conferral ceremony at the Marshall Islands Resort last Wednesday. The prestigious honor is conferred by imperial decree of Japan Emperor Naruhito and was awarded through Japan Ambassador to RMI Soma Hirohisa. The ceremony […]
By Journal on March 21, 2024
Amatlain Kabua, Chewy Lin, Ebon Atoll, Hilda Heine, John Silk, Kalani Kaneko, MoFAT
News Archive

The appointment resolution for former Nitijela Member John Silk as Marshall Islands Ambassador to the United Nations was introduced in Parliament Monday. Parliament members unanimously passed the resolution without contest to appoint the former Ebon Parliament Member to the UN post. Silk has been a special consultant to President Hilda Heine since she took office […]
By Journal on May 3, 2019
Amatlain Kabua, Brenson S. Wase, RMI, Robert Reimers Enterprises, US
Back In The Day

Journal 5/4/1982 P1 US and Marshalls far apart on radiation pact The governments of the United States and the Marshall Islands are still talking about political status matters but negotiations on an agreement on compensation and programs for radiation-affected people have virtually ended. The lawyers for the Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project (MIATLP) representing […]
By Journal on June 15, 2017
Amatlain Kabua, David Kramer, Denise deBrum-Reiher, FSM, Makereta Kimai, SPREP, Tony Talouli, UN Oceans Conference, World War II, WWII shipwrecks
News Archive

MAKERETA KIMAI, PACNEWS Editor at last week’s UN Oceans Conference A number of Pacific leaders used last week’s UN Oceans Conference to bring global attention to nuclear contamination and World War Two wrecks that have become environment hazards. Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands led the charge in highlighting what they call ‘real […]
By Journal on June 8, 2017
Amatlain Kabua, David Kramer, Denise deBrum-Reiher, Filimon Manoni, John Silk, Mike Halferty, Oceans Conference, SDG14, Sherwood Tibon
News Archive

This week’s High-Level UN Ocean Conference at the UN Headquarters in New York City is seeing significant participation from the RMI in the main conference and multiple “side events.” The Ocean Conference, co-chaired by the governments of the Republic of Fiji and Sweden, supports the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG14) that deals with […]
By Journal on December 15, 2016
Amatlain Kabua, Ludwig Kumoru, May 2, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, United Nations, World Tuna Day
News Archive

The United Nations General Assembly voted last week to establish World Tuna Day as an internationally-recognized event. The event initiated by the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) in 2011 has now gained international ratification for the annual celebration of tuna on May 2. The United Nations General Assembly voted without objection to ratify a […]
By Journal on July 8, 2016
Amatlain Kabua, European Union, Marshall Islands, Roderick Van Schreven, visa
Feature Articles

The Marshall Islands and the European Union signed a short-stay visa waiver agreement during a ceremony held on June 27 in Geneva, Switzerland. The agreement was signed by Marshall Islands Ambassador to the United Nations Amatlain Kabua, who helped initiate the first steps toward the agreement when she previously served as Ambassador to Fiji. Signing […]
By Journal on December 4, 2015
Amata Kabua, Amatlain Kabua, Atma Zedkaia, ballots, Don Brugman, Edward R. Doane, history, jeptas, Kessai Note, Micronesia, Ronnie Reimers, Yap
Back In The Day

Journal 12/3/1976 P1 Micronesia: World’s biggest exclusive ocean economic zone? Elected and traditional leaders from Truk, Ponape, Kusaie, Marshalls, Yap and Palau are attending the first Micronesian Conference of Law of the Sea. Despite differences over the issue of future political status, one question remains: Can the districts agree on a common position on Law […]