By Journal on October 28, 2016
Amenta Matthew, David Kramer, Eldon Note, Ewao Elanzo, Jejwarick Anton, Junior Patrick, Leander Leander, Maybelline Bing, Maynard Alfred, public accounts
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The Public Accounts Committee launched nine days of hearings Tuesday at the Nitijela Conference Room with the Auditor General and Ministry of Finance first up on the agenda. Based on rapid inquiries from members of the committee chaired by Likiep Senator Leander Leander, Jr., the session heated up minutes after starting. But as […]
By Journal on August 19, 2016
Amenta Matthew, Bokanake, New Zealand, north pacific women's action program, WUTMI, Yolanda Lodge-Ned
Feature Articles

Fifty women gathered at the Robert Reimers Hotel Bokanake House on August 9 in Majuro for the North Pacific Women’s Action Program. The event was funded by the New Zealand Consulate in Honolulu, Hawaii and hosted by the East-West Center of Hawaii. Yolanda Lodge-Ned, Assistant Attorney General and East-West Center alumnae opened the session. Minister of […]
By Journal on July 28, 2016
Amenta Matthew, Hilda Heine, Mayors, MIMA, Ota Kisino
News Archive

Marshall Islands Mayors Association President Ota Kisino joined President Hilda Heine and Internal Affairs Minister Amenta Matthew in signing a joint communique from the recently completed Leadership Conference spelling out seven areas for follow up action. The joint communique is the first in the 16 years of this annual event. The key areas identified for […]
By Journal on July 14, 2016
Amenta Matthew, David Obet, Glann Lewis, Heinkey Lomwe, Ione deBrum, Isaac Marty, James Matayoshi, Marshall Islands Mayors Association, Mayors, MIMA, Neil Keju, Ota Kisino
News Archive

ISAAC MARTY The 16th RMI Executive Leadership Conference kicked off Monday with President Hilda Heine as Chairperson, Marshall Islands Mayors Association President Ota Kisino from Wotje as Co-Chairperson, and Internal Affairs Minister Amenta Matthew as Secretary. The Cabinet, Office of the President and executive branch agencies met with the mayors for the morning discussion. Enewetak […]
By Journal on February 4, 2016
Alfred Alfred Jr., Amenta Matthew, Brenson S. Wase, Cabinet, Hilda Heine, John Silk, Kalani Kaneko, Kenneth Kedi, Mattlan Zackhras, Mike Halferty, Milton Zackios, RMI Cabinet, Thomas Heine, Tony Muller, Wilbur Heine
News Archive

The new members of the President Hilda Heine’s Cabinet took the oath of office Monday during a swearing-in ceremony administered by District Court Presiding Judge Milton Zackios at the International Conference Center. The ceremony took place following President Heine’s submission of nominations to Speaker Kenneth Kedi for appointment as Ministers of the Cabinet, pursuant to […]