By Journal on January 9, 2025
Agent Nimoto, Arno, Bernard Chong Gum, Billimon Henos, Bobson Hermios, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Lorina Tarki, Majuro, Mokka Namto, Natalie Nimmer, RMI Sea Patrol, Susan Kauwe, Talley Mwewa, Tinak, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

WILMER JOEL A 20-foot passenger and cargo boat sank in heavy seas near Arno Atoll just before the New Year, with four passengers still missing and presumed lost. Only three of the seven people on the small boat that sank December 30 were able to use ocean currents to swim into Majuro. The three washed […]
By Journal on January 26, 2023
Ailinglaplap, Arno, Aur, Ceihera Toni Miyoko “Nito” deBrum Kedi, COVID-19, Deborah Yoder, Eve Burns, Fred Bukida, Ine, Jeh, Nito’s Wings, Nito's Butterfly, Tony deBrum
News Archive

EVE BURNS Nito’s Wings founder Deborah Yoder was a volunteer nurse in Majuro in 2016 and worked with Nito’s family in an attempt to save Nito’s life. She told the Journal she later contacted the late Ambassador Tony deBrum requesting to start a California based non-profit in honor of Ceihera Toni Miyoko “Nito” deBrum Kedi. […]
By Journal on January 13, 2023
Arno, Japan, Laura-Rita run, Makito Murai, Marshalls Japan Construction Company, Matthew Loreto, Tokyo
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL A Japanese man ran the Majuro equivalent of a marathon — the 30 mile distance from Laura to Rita — this past Saturday. The run was timed for his birthday. Makito Murai, 41, who is from Tokyo, Japan, completed a six-hour Laura-Rita run as a way of saying farewell to Majuro. Murai’s “supporter,” […]
By Journal on October 13, 2022
Ailinglaplap, Arno, copra tonnage statistics, Giff Johnson, Maloelap, Mili, Tobolar Copra Processing Authority, US Trust Territory government, Wotje
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON From the time American administrators of the US Trust Territory government started keeping copra tonnage statistics in 1951, it took 20 years for copra production to break the 7,000-ton mark in one year. That was 1970, when the “stars aligned” with copra making and shipping combining to produce the first-ever banner year for […]
By Journal on August 25, 2022
Ailinglaplap, Ailuk, Arno, Aur, Covid, Dr. Richard Brostrom, Giff Johnson, Jack Niedenthal, Johns Hopkins University, Laura Clinic, Long Islands Elementary School, Maloelap, Mili, MOHHS, Outbreak, PaxLovid, red cross, Sheldon Riklon, University of Arkansas Medical School, Wotje
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Important facts emerged from the first two weeks of the Covid outbreak, as of Tuesday this week: • 12 of the initial 14 deaths from Covid were dead on arrival (DOA) at Majuro or Ebeye hospitals, meaning the 12 did not seek or receive medical care for their condition. It also means only […]
By Journal on May 26, 2022
Ailinglaplap, Amenta Matthew, Arno, Bank of the Marshall Islands, Brenda ALik, Ebeye, Ebon, Hilda Heine, Hirata Kabua, Jennifer Hawley, Kitlang Kabua., Kora Fund, Kwajalein, Lawson Matauto, Leilani Kemem, Majuro, Marie Maddison, Mars Wang, Mathilda Johnson, Mejit, Mike Kabua, Molly Helkena, Mon LaMike, Monique Graham, Tsai Ing-wen, Ujae, Wotje
News Archive

The Kora Fund issued its first loan to an Ebeye woman as part of its official launch for Kwajalein Atoll last week. A team of Kora (women’s) Fund and Bank of Marshall Islands officials went to Ebeye for the launch and to run a series of informational and training sessions about the new loan program. […]
By Journal on September 2, 2021
Arno, Aur, Bowditch Jiji Mimi Kabua, Daniel Andrews, Ebon, Hesa Kaious, ICC, Jaluit, Mayor Election, Namu, Waikiki Lakmis, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

Although postal absentee ballots will not be counted until Monday September 6, Namu mayoral candidate Bowditch Jiji Mimi Kabua’s lead over incumbent Acting Mayors Waikiki Lakmis virtually ensures that he will be Namu’s new mayor. The still unofficial vote count for all domestic ballots shows Kabua with 505 votes to Lakmis’ 372. According to Acting […]
By Journal on December 27, 2019
Akio Hei, Arno, Christmas, Jaluit, Majuro, MIHS, Mili, Ulija
Back In The Day

Journal 12/28/1982 P1 Jaluit jepta best? By Akio Heine Here is how we rated the jeptas we saw and heard at Uliga Protestant Church on Christmas Day. There were some good jeptas we were not able to see, but here goes: The best songs and most profession in their singing: the Jaluit jepta; Best beat: […]
By Journal on December 26, 2019
Arno, Japan Embassy, Mayor Bernard, Naomi Ukai
News Archive

Japan Ambassador Norio Saito joined in the handover ceremony for “the Project for Procurement of Sea Transport for Copra in Arno Atoll.” The $135,500 grant for a new boat was funded through Japan’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP). The ceremony was attended by Arno Mayor Bernard Chong-Gum, Arno Irooj Katwel Jormelu and […]
By Journal on December 19, 2019
Ailinglaplap, Arno, Cabinate, Hilary Hosia, Kino Kabua, Lib, Mili, MOHHS, Namu, RMI, Senators
News Archive

The government-imposed outer islands travel ban is being ended in stages. Arno, Mili, Namu and Lib have had their travel bans lifted, and Ailinlaplap will be next. These developments are happening in line with the Ministry of Health training health assistants on these islands to diagnose and treat dengue in case it develops. The RMI […]