By Journal on September 7, 2018
Bikini, Kili, Kili island
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Journal 9/11/1981 P1 President proposes atolls for nuclear waste Pacific islanders, apparently joined by Japanese officials, remained opposed to what at first looked like an amicable compromise to their dispute over Japanese plans to dump low-level nuclear wastes in the ocean. During a session of the third annual conference of the Association of Chief Executives […]
By Journal on August 2, 2018
Anderson Jibas, Bikini, Bruce Bilimon, Ejit, Kili, Lisa Murkowski, Public Accounts Committee
News Archive

Despite expectation that the Kili-Bikini-Ejit session with the Nitijela Public Accounts Committee would offer some drama — fueled by repeated rescheduling from Public Accounts to allow KBE more time to go through its audit reports — the dialogue went smoothly compared to a majority of the PAC hearings. The hearing, in short, can be described […]
By Journal on June 15, 2018
Aisa Peter, Anko Jekkein, Atobar Aliebar, Atra Lang, Bikini, Caesar Jerbal, Gordon Note, Heine Graham, Hemil Saimon, Hosi Gideon, Iklang Jacob, Jaluwe Jabwe, Jenry Peter, Jernlok Titus, Jimmy James, Jus Helenso, Katzuo Katsang, Lajjur Saremle, Lamaro Sanberger, Larry Rang, MIHS students, Millong Latak, Miram Akied, Moses Silk, Ninurj Alon, Overtime Nelson, Rubon Jacklick, Shield Kanej, Summer Elkinwor, Super Sailas, Tane Abotolom, Teruo Kaminaga, Thompson Keju, Valantino Anutar, Walter Lamidrik
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Journal 6/13/2018 P1 Airport leases signed Formal signing of the leases for the proposed airport on Long Island has been accomplished, according to Mike Allen, Marshalls Land Management Officer. The lease negotiations experienced a series of complicated demands and counter demands before final agreement was reached. The negotiations will result in payment of $4,000 per […]
By Journal on March 22, 2018
Ailuk, Bikini, Bravo Nuclear Test, Meisei University, Nuclear Survivor, Outrigger, Rongelap, Seiichiro Takemine, Tempo Alfed, Utrik
News Archive

SEIICHIRO TAKEMINE Ailuk islander Tempo Alfred, 77, died in Majuro earlier this month. One of a dwindling number of elder Marshallese survivors of the US nuclear weapons testing program, Tempo was born on Ailuk. As a 13-year-old boy, he was an eyewitness to the March 1, 1954 Bravo hydrogen bomb test. He remembered a flash […]
By Journal on December 21, 2017
Anderson Jibas KBE Town Hall, Bikini, Kili-Bikini-Ejit
News Archive

Christmas arrived a few days early for the Bikini community. Last week, Mayor Anderson Jibas and Kili-Bikini-Ejit (KBE) council members and staff delivered hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash to KBE residents. A ceremony was held late last week on Ejit for the distribution of $3,000 cash to each of the approximately 50 homes […]
By Journal on December 1, 2017
Bikini, Kwajalein, UFOs
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Journal 12/3/1976 P10 Marshalls Status Commission moves to include opposition Marshall Islands District Administrator Oscar deBrum named Congressman Ekpap Silk to a vacancy on the Marshall Islands Political Status Commission created by the resignation last week of Marshalls Education Director Kinja Andrike. The appointment of Congressman Silk, a veteran political status negotiator who had been […]
By Journal on September 1, 2017
Bikini, Eneu Island
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Journal 9/3/1973 P7 Majuro nixed for next session The leadership of the Congress of Micronesia has decided to hold its next regular session in Saipan rather than Majuro. This, in view of an earlier Joint Resolution approving of 1974 regular sessions in the Marshalls, was unfortunately necessary because of a lack of adequate accommodation to […]
By Journal on August 25, 2017
AEC, Atomic Energy Commission, Bikini, Bikini Atoll
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Journal 8/29/1975 P1 Bad news for Bikini Islanders returning to Bikini Atoll may be asked to comply with additional restrictions on diet and living areas as a result of a recent radiological follow up survey conducted by the Energy Research and Development Administration (formerly Atomic Energy Commission) in June. P7 Jabwor wakens former shadow of […]
By Journal on March 24, 2017
Air Marshall Islands, Bikini, Bikini Atoll, Bikinians, David Tejada
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Journal 3/28/1975 P2 Airport land The Trust Territory Government paid private landowners $160 per acre a year for airport land. Length: 25 years, renewable, with price subject to renegotiation. P7 Murder charge in Majuro In what has been dubbed the first murder trial in the Marshals, Alex (Namar) Milne has been charged with first degree […]
By Journal on September 29, 2016
Bikini, bomb, Enewetak, Hans Behling, Nuclear Claims Tribunal, PCB
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Journal 10/1/1976 P1 Mink calls for end to Kwajalien apartheid July hearings of a US Congress Committee in the Marshall Islands have resulted in a strongly-worded demand for an end to discriminatory practices at Kwajalein Atoll. Letters signed by Phillip Burton (D-California), Patsy Mink (D-Hawaii) and Antonio Won Pat (D-Guam) to the Secretaries of the […]