By Journal on May 24, 2024
Adult Basic Education Program, Assumption High School, College of the Marshall Islands, Delap Seventh Day Adventist, Ennibur High School, Jaluit High School, Jason Sam, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Laura High School, Life Skills Academy, Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, Majuro Cooperative School, Marshall Islands High School, Marshalls Christian High School, Meyar Laukon, Meyar Margaret Laukon, Northern Islands High School, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL Putting together a graduation ceremony requires careful planning and preparation. Graduates and ushers at the College of the Marshall Islands gathered for the first graduation rehearsal last Friday. Meyar Margaret Laukon, associate dean of equity and engagement, and Jason Sam, coordinator of fitness, recreation, and sports, oversaw the practice. Each usher was assigned […]
By Journal on July 1, 2022
ASVAB, Hilary Hosia, Kwajalein Atoll High School, military entrance exam, No need for a high school diploma or GED certificate, SSG Gary Likiak, US Department of Defense
Feature Articles

HILARY HOSIA No high school diploma? No problem. Uncle Sam needs you.The US Army announced last week a new policy dropping the requirement of a high school diploma and or GED certificate as part of its educational requirements for potential enlistees. The announcement was made last Thursday in response to a drastic drop in recruits […]
By Journal on June 16, 2022
College of Marshall Islands, David Kabua, Ebeye, Graduation, Hilary Hosia, Jabro Sports Complex, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Majuro
News Archive

In the midst of a major shift in Cabinet members the past week and countless hours preparing for the Compact negotiations in Kwajalein in the coming days, President David Kabua ensured his message for the graduating class of 2022 was received throughout Marshall Islands. President Kabua personally delivered the message during the College of Marshall […]
By Journal on June 10, 2022
Abigail Zedkaia, Chewy Lin, College of the Marshall Islands, College of the Marshall Islands nursing students, Delap Seventh Day Adventist, Hirata Kabua, Irene Taafaki, Kitlang kabua, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Laninaur Kabua, Laura High School, Marshall Islands High School, Mike Kabua, NTA, Romeo Alfred, Wilmer Bolkeim
Feature Articles

Graduation dominoes keep falling: The end of May it was Majuro Coop School,Assumption and SDA on consecutive days. Then a brief lull before the public schools launched, with Kwajalein Atoll High School Monday, Marshall Islands High School Tuesday and Laura High School Wednesday this week.These events “sandwiched” another set of graduations at Kwajalein Atoll. The […]
By Journal on February 24, 2022
Compact of Free Association, Education week 2022, Eniburr (Santo) High School, Jaluit High School, Jeopardy Competition, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, Majuro Cooperative High, Merv Griffin, Northern Islands High School, Public School System, Seventh Day Adventist High, US Embassy, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

WILMER JOEL Jaluit High School became the first outer island high school to win the coveted Jeopardy competition — defeating three private schools to win the title for Education Week.The competition was originally the brainchild of the US Embassy late last year when it hosted the first Jeopardy game in the Marshall Islands focused on […]
By Journal on January 21, 2021
Father Hacker High School, Hilary Hosia, Jabro Sports Complex, Kwajalein Atoll High School
News Archive

Ebeye took a giant leap for women’s empowerment last week following the first-ever basketball competition for women between Father Hacker High School and Kwajalein Atoll High School at the Jabro Sports Complex. Strict dress code enforced by traditional leaders prevented women from participating in the popular sport in the past — that changed when Iroojlaplap and […]
By Journal on September 28, 2018
Calvary High School, Ebeye Seventh Day Adventist, Father Leonard Hacker High School, Jabro Private High School, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Marshall Islands Red Cross Society, Marshalls Christian High School, MIRCS
Feature Articles

The Marshall Islands Red Cross Society conducted a week-long youth training and First Aid course for five Ebeye high schools recently.
By Journal on March 16, 2017
Japan volunteer, JICA, JOCV, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Marshallese-English dictionary, Tadashi Takaya, Taro Ogura
Feature Articles

Two Japan volunteers have created an “app” that puts the Marshallese-English dictionary literally at the fingertips of anyone who has a computer, tablet or smart phone. Japan International Cooperation Volunteers Tadashi Takaya, who is departing CMI later this month after two years in the IT department, and Taro Ogura, who recently returned to Japan after […]