RMI Election Update Tuesday AM

RMI Election Update Tuesday AM

Tuesday morning, 11/17/15 update from the ICC national election headquarters: Tabulation of 2015 RMI national election in full swing at ICC in Majuro, Tuesday morning November 17, 2015. Multiple Majuro wards being counted now, with 5 of 13 regular ward counts complete. Jaluit absentee from Majuro just starting. First photo shows Jaluit poll watchers and […]

Battle for Pacific tuna

Battle for Pacific tuna

The visit to Majuro this week by a New Zealand team reviewing commercial tuna management schemes highlights a growing debate between the eight PNA members and distant water fishing nations. The conflict centers on whether “catch limits” are better than “effort limits,” which is what PNA uses to manage the skipjack tuna fishery. Effort limits […]

MEC profits over $550,000

MEC profits over $550,000

Journal 11/5/1976 P3 Betelnut battle reigns in islands Two Micronesians who chew betelnut have come out in support of Guam Congressman Antonio Won Pat in his fight with US government officials in Washington over the recent betelnut ban. Palau District Administration Thomas Remengesau says the Guam Congressman should be awarded 1,000 betelnuts in recognition of […]

Kwajalein is key battleground

Kwajalein is key battleground

GIFF JOHNSON Elections here difficult to predict. While we’ve seen community discontent expressed in various ways concerning declining government services over the past few years, this discontent at the national level doesn’t necessarily translate to votes at the atoll level, which are usually according to family ties. Then there is a potentially huge offshore vote […]

RMI seeking corruption cure

RMI seeking corruption cure

The RMI government wants to ramp up anti-corruption efforts here, a member of the Auditor General’s office told a global meeting last week in Europe. Full engagement with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and its country review process has helped to develop the Marshall Islands government’s anti-corruption program, one of the nation’s UNCAC […]

Nuclear Tribunal records being preserved

Nuclear Tribunal records being preserved

The Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal was established in 1988 with the mandate “to render final determination upon all claims past, present and future, of the Government, citizens and nationals of the Marshall Islands which are based on, arise out of, or are in any way related to the Nuclear Testing Program.” During its more […]

Kwaj fish pose cancer risk

Kwaj fish pose cancer risk

Reef fish throughout the Kwajalein lagoon are contaminated with toxic pollutants which sharply increase risks of cancer, learning disabilities and other health impacts on consumers, said the RMI EPA this week. Two key US Army draft reports presented to RMI late last year conclude that because Marshallese eat the “whole of fish,” and eat a […]

Muller meets ROC’s Ma

Muller meets ROC’s Ma

Marshall Islands Ambassador to Taiwan Frederick Muller presented his diplomatic credentials to ROC President Ma Ying-jeou late last month to officially launch his term as RMI envoy in Taipei. “I can say now that I finally am settled in Taipei after presenting my credentials to President Ma,” said Muller. Muller was RMI’s ambassador to Fiji […]