RMI youth push climate agenda

RMI youth push climate agenda

The Pacific Regional Loss and Damage Dialogue, hosted by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program and Climate Analytics, brought together government, civil society, academia, NGOs and the private sector to discuss experiences with loss and damage in the Pacific region and options to address it. Loss and damage refers to the consequences of […]

RMI Army men honored

RMI Army men honored

HILARY HOSIA “I feel safe,” was the observation President David Kabua made when he stood between US Army Sergeant Major Lymman Beta Langijota and Chief Warrant Officer 2 Richard Anjain for a photo op Monday following the Nitijela opening. SGM Langijota and CW2 Anjain were part of the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll delegation that flew […]

RMI wins first medal

RMI wins first medal

Journal 8/8/1986 P1 RepMar-Four Atolls in step on fund plan RepMar and leaders of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Utrik have reached basic agreement on the plan for investing $150 million in compensation money the islands will receive under the Compact. Cabinet is awaiting a report evaluating the management selection process which is due in a […]

RAMSI milestone marked in Majuro

RAMSI milestone marked in Majuro

GIFF JOHNSON The Australian Embassy in Majuro marked the 20th anniversary of the RAMSI mission in the Solomon Islands last week by working with the local media to support a basketball giveaway contest.  The contest was to honor RAMSI and the Marshall Islanders who participated in the peacekeeping mission in the Solomon Islands. At least […]

24 get UH MAs

24 get UH MAs

WILMER JOEL Two dozen Marshallese who finished the two-year Pacific Masters in Education program at the University of Hawaii-Manoa graduated with their master’s degrees in Education in Curriculum Studies last week at the University of the South Pacific campus in Majuro. There are two graduates who live in Ebeye and one person who lives in […]

US donates books, dollars

US donates books, dollars

The United States government, in partnership with the Asia Foundation, delivered books to four local organizations late last month. The books are from the Asia Foundation as part of the Foundation’s contribution to the USAID-supported Pacific Regional Initiative. The Pacific Regional Initiative strives to counter trafficking in persons by focusing on prevention, protection, prosecution, and […]

RMI wrestlers head to Guam

RMI wrestlers head to Guam

HILARY HOSIA Australia here we come. The Marshall Islands Wrestling Federation is sending Ricktak “RJ” Iban Jr and Meinshu Peter Jiang to compete in the 2023 Oceania Championship in Australia scheduled to take place next week. The duo are the newest members of Team RMI as the country is gearing up for the Micronesia Games […]

Holly finds war remains

Holly finds war remains

Journal 8/1/1986 P5 Mudge blasts RepMar police actions The RepMar-MALGov police turf battle continues to heat up with a war of words between the two government agencies. MALGov justice minister Mudge Samuel blasted RepMar police chief Jose Moisa for what he described as the chief’s retune practice of arresting youth, stripping them naked and taking […]

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