By Journal on February 5, 2021
Albious Latdrik, Asen Anjerok, Biti Kiotak, Ishmael Thomas, Jack Amram, Joe Kemem, Josana Samuel, Kasko Henry, Kiojur Kalles, Matan Kinore, Nira Matthew, Outrigger Hotel, Ready Lalimo, Sylvia Boaz, Timothy Latdrik, Wildon Mea
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Journal 2/3/1984 P7 Marshalls Christian High School Honor Roll 12th: Helmitha Zapty, Kotab Atnej, Kobo Manase, Hiram Glanry, Marylu Rilometo, Ishmael Thomas; 11th: Kasko Henry, Wildon Mea, Nira Matthew; 10th: Sylvia Boaz, Josana Samuel, Biti Kiotak, Ready Lalimo, Kiojur Kalles; 9th: Matan Kinore, Asen Anjerok, Joe Kemem, Albious Latdrik, Timothy Latdrik, Jack Amram. Journal 2/9/1996P1 […]
By Journal on January 29, 2021
Mike Kabua
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Journal 1/31/1984 P1 Alele set to record Marshallese stories Alele Museum Curator Jerry Knight returned to Majuro last week after attending a seven-week training session in Hawaii on how to make video cassette recordings and audio recording of Marshallese stories and legends. Knight will be looking to hire an assistant to help identify sources of […]
By Journal on January 22, 2021
Ataji Balos, Carl Heine, Compact returned
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Journal 1/24/1984 P1 Money to celebrate Compact returned Money set aside to celebrate the passing of the Compact is being returned to Nitijela by representatives of three islands in the Marshalls: Kwajalein, Jaluit and Bikini. Kwajalein Senator Ataji Balos said the money could be used for other more needed purposes, such as medical referrals, or […]
By Journal on January 15, 2021
Ebeye, Kwajalein, Yeller Bnzmn
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Journal 1/15/1973 P5 Micronitor editorial box Editors Henry Asugar, Joe Murphy, Derson Ramon. Production editor: Ann Haymaker. Musician: Stony the huge Fijian. Advisor: John Paul Jones. Translator: Blumer Sibok. Cartoonist: Carle Rivard. Analyst: Martin Keith. Contributors: Jack Tobin, Mary Browning, Pedro Harris, Steve Murray, Dave Moss, Marciano Carlos, Alex Phillip. Staff: Carole Rivard, Blumer Sibok. […]
By Journal on January 8, 2021
Chamber of Commerce, Runway Restaurant
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Journal 1/10/1986 P3 Hook-up problems concern Chamber The Majuro Chamber of Commerce held its monthly meeting this week at Runway Restaurant. Some general heated discussion characterized the meeting regarding the difficulties businesses here have been experiencing in obtaining electrical hook-ups and phone or telex connections from government. Several of the members expressed the sentiment that […]
By Journal on January 1, 2021
Ajidrik Hotel, Amos McQuinn
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Journal 1/6/1984 P7 Pinho apartment building The old gas station owned by Kirt Pinho has been remodeled into four two-bedroom apartments for rent. It will be two bedrooms upstairs and two downstairs. P7 Office and hotel extension The old Ajidrik movie theater is now under construction, for a two-story building, which includes an office on […]
By Journal on December 25, 2020
Christmas Presents, Women's Athletic Club
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Journal 12/23/1983 P1 Japan shelves plans for ocean dumping Japan has decided to build a big underground nuclear waste storage bunker on its own territory, which will put aside, at least temporarily, plans to dump waste in the Pacific. P12 Causeway receives preliminary approval At its first formal meeting held on Ebeye December 14, the […]
By Journal on December 18, 2020
Al Fowler, Jerry Karmer, Kejjo Bien, Laura beach, Massachusett, Massachusetts, Mike Musgrave, Milton, Stan Ryley, tug-of-war
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Journal 12/20/1983 P1 R&D/Hulk win tug-of-war After several weeks of overcast weather, the sun broke through the clouds, scurried bits of white fluff off to the west, and then sat comfortably in a light blue background, smiling warmly on the gathered throng at Laura beach. It was a motley crowd, if were there was one. […]
By Journal on December 11, 2020
Back In The Day

Journal 12/14/1983 P1 President appoints Riordan acting Auditor General Brian Riordan is the new Acting Auditor General for RepMar. As prescribed by the Constitution, Riordan was nominated for the job by Speaker Atlan Anien and appointed by President Amata Kabua. His appointment must now be approved by Nitijela. P5 Nauru President to appeal US court […]
By Journal on December 4, 2020
Jack Niedenthal, Peace Crops
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Journal 12/6/1983 P1 1st annual judiciary report The first annual report of the Judiciary of the Marshall Islands is out with a glowing report for the most part and recommendations for financial independence of the court. During the March 1982-March 1983 period, there were 260 cases filed in the court, 235 of which were civil […]