By Journal on August 25, 2017
AEC, Atomic Energy Commission, Bikini, Bikini Atoll
Back In The Day

Journal 8/29/1975 P1 Bad news for Bikini Islanders returning to Bikini Atoll may be asked to comply with additional restrictions on diet and living areas as a result of a recent radiological follow up survey conducted by the Energy Research and Development Administration (formerly Atomic Energy Commission) in June. P7 Jabwor wakens former shadow of […]
By Journal on August 18, 2017
Batkan, dredge, dump, garbage, Majuro, public works
Back In The Day

Journal 8/20/1973 P1 Distad to challenge land claimants A suit to determine the validity of a government lease on land located at the site of Majuro’s old airport is likely to be filed soon, according to Marshalls District Administrator Oscar deBrum. The controversy over the land was precipitated several weeks ago when a couple began […]
By Journal on August 11, 2017
driving range, Kwajalein, Mary A. Browning, missile base, New Republic, radar, Stonehenge, Visiting Kwajalein, Walter Pincus
Back In The Day

Journal 8/15/1975 P9 About the missile base at Kwajalein By Mary A. Browning “As your plane comes in to land, the radar towers, giant domes, tracking dish antennae and other structures dotting the chain of tiny islands rise up like a missile-age Stonehenge in the mid-Pacific,” writes Walter Pincus. “Visiting Kwajalein,” is the title of […]
By Journal on August 4, 2017
Bilimon, MALGov, sheriff, smuggled, Uliga, Waylon Muller
Back In The Day

Journal 8/6/1973 P7 TT to study alcohol abuse problem The Headquarters Division of Community Development reports that a contract is being prepared with James R. Leonard Associates to undertake a study on the problem of alcohol abuse in the TT and how it relates to the growing problem of juvenile delinquency. P9 Independence or statehood […]
By Journal on July 28, 2017
Ailinglaplap, campaign, Dennis Momotaro, Election, Jiba Kabua, Mejit, Namdrik, roniluial, Ruben Zackhras, Tony deBrum
Back In The Day

Journal 8/1/1975 P1 The Chinese affair Last month a friendship began between the world’s smallest micro-state and the world’s largest nation. Hans Wiliander, a tall, soft-spoken Micronesian from the island of Tol, Truk Lagoon, stepped down from an airplane in Peking, China for a 20-day visit. His trip was the result of a meeting with […]
By Journal on July 21, 2017
Air Marshall Islands, Jaluit, Jaluit Atoll, runway
Back In The Day

Journal 7/25/1975 P1 Palauan ultimatum? Loved it in Marshalls The Micronesian Constitutional Convention was confronted Friday with a tough, take-it or leave-it position from the Palau delegation. The Palau delegation will support the unity of Micronesia “if, and only if” all of their terms are included in the draft Micronesian constitution., said delegate Johnson Toribiong. […]
By Journal on July 14, 2017
chickens, poultry, rmi poultry project
Back In The Day

Journal 7/18/1975 P4 What They’ve Said/About the Bikinians — Again By Mary Browning. Power. The US, as a nation, has quite a lot of it. All of us, individually, have some in some circumstances and less in others. People separately and in groups use power with varying degrees of wisdom. But, one thing seems certain: […]
By Journal on July 7, 2017
Ebeye, Edward Capelle, Giff Johnson, Joseph Capelle, Likiep, Majuro
Back In The Day

Journal 7/11/1975 P1 No decision yet as deadline nears With the announcement last week by the Marianas delegation to the Micronesian Constitutional convention that they would indeed participate in the ConCon, the question of the Marshalls delegation suddenly became a more spotlighted arena. On July 7, Representative Ataji Balos said in Majuro that no final […]
By Journal on June 30, 2017
Compact, Compact II, Compact of Free Association, Compact-funded, Susan Westin
Back In The Day

Journal 7/4/1975 P1 New salary plan passes The Congress of Micronesia Monday unanimously passed the new base salary schedule and sent it to the HiCom for action. Minimum wage under the new law will be 80 cents per hour. This is a 31 percent increase over the present 61 cents per hour wage minimum. P1 […]
By Journal on June 23, 2017
family planning, over-population, population control
Back In The Day

Journal 6/20/1975 P2 No end The following is addressed to the management of the Wonder of L’Etao movie theater: I would like to express my chagrin at your dubious business practice June 16 of taking movie-goers’ money, and then announcing before the climax of the show that the final reel was missing. L’Etao, you’ve certainly […]