By Journal on March 17, 2017
Camilla Ingram, Carl Ingram, High Court, Jude Samson
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Journal 3/21/1975 P7 Ebeye seeks help from Congress Businessmen in Ebeye are seeking help from the Congress of Micronesia to help solve their shipping problems. According to Ebeye Chamber of Commerce president James Milne, shipments to Ebeye from Japan are now transshipped or air freighted from Majuro. “We have been asking for direct service, but […]
By Journal on March 10, 2017
Bobby Muller, COFA, Compact of Free Association, immigration
Back In The Day

Journal 3/14/1975 P1 Someone remembered Depressed by what you read generally in newspapers? Well, here’s some welcome relief: this paper has uncovered a rather nice rid-bit. The patients of Rehab Center at Majuro hospital, a facility that serves all Micronesians, are now enjoying a brand new 19-inch color television set, which was presented to them […]
By Journal on March 3, 2017
Bikinians, Bravo hydrogen bomb, Department of Interior, Ismael John, Tomaki Juda
Back In The Day

Journal March 7, 1975 P1 Tmetuchl names Mangefel ‘Man of the Year’ Micronesia has a new man of the year — or at least it will have if Palau Senator Roman Tmetuchl has his way. In a recent speech, Tmetuchl said Rep. John Mangefel of Yap should be considered a national hero for Micronesia. The […]
By Journal on February 24, 2017
Auditor General, Kwajalein, Majuro, RMI
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Journal 2/28/1975 P9 Boat reefed A Korean fishing boat reefed near Majuro airport earlier this month and apparently will be a permanent fixture. While rumors abound on the reason for the accident, the most persistent one seems to be that the captain mis-took the airport lights for the pass entrance. There were over 20 tons […]
By Journal on February 17, 2017
Coconut Cup, Coconut Cup Regatta, Kirt Pinho
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Journal 2/19/1973 P8 China joins UN mission The 1973 United Nations Visiting Mission is presently wrapping up its tour of Truk District. This mission, which has already been to the Marshalls and Ponape was joined by the highest-ranking Chinese at the UN — Tang Ming-chao, Under Secretary General for Trusteeships and Decolonization Affairs. This should […]
By Journal on February 10, 2017
FEMA, George Bush, Typhoon Axel
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Journal 2/14/1975 P1 Ebeye suddenly discovers 30-year old equipment wasn’t a good idea after all Trust Territory High Commissioner Edward Johnston has asked the US Federal Disaster Assistance Administration to declare a state of emergency to exist on Ebeye, due to a critical shortage now existing on the island. Ebeye is the home of over […]
By Journal on February 3, 2017
Bank of America, Bilimon Store, Committee of 100, Kitco Plaza, Molik, mystery, Robert Reimers, Ron Levy, Whitney Bros.
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Journal 2/7/1975 P4 Mystery developments A mysterious group known only as “The Committee of 100” struck the downtown area of the district center last weekend. Left in the wake of the strike was a community bulletin board, with a note attached indicating C.O. 100 responsibility. The pattern of strikes has been running north on the […]
By Journal on January 27, 2017
Fiji nurses
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Journal 1/31/1975 P3 Shamed into paying? The Economic Development Loan Fund board has asked for an opinion from the TT attorney general’s office on the question of making public the names of borrowers over 90 days delinquent in pay backs. Public opinion, it is argued, would be an added inducement to force pay backs. P4 […]
By Journal on January 20, 2017
Albert Short, Gerald Zackios, Kwajalein, Reagan Test Site
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Journal 1/24/1975 P1 Ocheral vs Later An old custom in Palau is making a major contribution to the district housing program. The old custom’s name is “ocheral” and it works like this: a family borrows money from the Palau Housing Authority to build its house. When the house is completed, the borrower asks for contributions […]
By Journal on January 13, 2017
copra, Mike Slinger, tobolar
Back In The Day

Journal1/17/1975 P6 Interior Plumbing and Aeronautics by Joe Murphy Bob Fischel and the ICA have come out with a paper entitled “Follow-Up Report Relative to the Majuro Consult on Human Development in the Marshall Islands.” It’s nine pages long, and quite startling. It reports that the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) met with Leander Mellon, […]