By Journal on June 16, 2017
job market, unemployment rate
Back In The Day

Journal 6/13/1975 P1 Constitution executed for Lolelaplap A formal constitution creating a Nitijela for the islands of Lolelaplap was executed this past week in Majuro at a meeting house located near the residence of Iroij Joba Kabua, son of paramount chief Lejellan Kabua. Iroijlaplap Lejellan affixed his signature to the first formalized constitution of the […]
By Journal on June 9, 2017
ADB, Asian Development Bank, hardships, Pacific Human Development Report
Back In The Day

Journal 6/6/1975 P2 Hearing grievances The Trust Territory Personnel Board spent the past week on Majuro to review several grievance cases involving hospital personnel. After formal review sessions, the board was invited to question and answer in a session with the Marshall Islands Nurses Association. Board members on Majuro were: Boyd Mackenzie, former Distad and […]
By Journal on June 2, 2017
James Matayoshi, Jerry Kramer, Mike Senko
Back In The Day

Journal 5/30/1975 P10 With the magic rectangle here, can the flag be far behind? Suddenly it’s not the same old Majuro. There has a been a dramatic change both in what people do and talk about. The most apparent change is noted on Sundays when a drive down the district center road uncovers crowd of […]
By Journal on May 26, 2017
coconut, Jerry Kramer, tobolar
Back In The Day

Journal 5/23/1975 P11 Local company sets dividend at 30 percent There’s probably a first for the Marshalls: The Majuro Stevedore & Terminal Company at its first annual shareholders meeting announced a dividend of 30 percent of the value of the stock held by investors. The was some back and forth between attending stockholders on how […]
By Journal on May 19, 2017
Continental, Continental Micronesia, Salome Andrike
Back In The Day

Journal 5/16/1975 P1 Money looks good for Enewetak clean up The United States will be providing $30 million in funds for the clean up of radiation damaged Enewetak Atoll, according to Iroij Joanes Peter, who returned from Washington recently. P14 Smokers clinic Smokers here who wish to stop may be interested in a five-day smoking […]
By Journal on May 12, 2017
Greg Symons, RMI passports
Back In The Day

Journal 5/19/1975 P1 Ebeye police train The Ebeye Police Department recently completed a Police Training Academy in which 32 officers received special training under the direction of Larry Bunch, an employee of the Range Operations Coordination Division of Kwajalein Missile Range. The program was set up and coordinated by Bunch and Sato Maie, Chief of […]
By Journal on May 9, 2017
Al Short, Compact of Free Association, Gerald Zackios, Nitijela 20-year deal
Back In The Day

Journal 5/2/1975 P1 Will Tinian have a choice? With a plebiscite scheduled for June 17, and the choices being whether to forever become an American “commonwealth” or remain part of the Trust Territory, many islanders here on Tinian feel they will be “forced” by voters on other islands in the Marianas to carry the military […]
By Journal on April 28, 2017
Karl Johnson, Mili Atoll, PCV, peace corps volunteer, shark
Back In The Day

Journal 4/25/1975 P5 Practical rambling Question: We would like your advice on what to give a young man who is about to enter the Peace Corps and go to the Marshall Islands. We are to attend an open house given by his parents. Since we are not old friends, we don’t feel it would be […]
By Journal on April 21, 2017
Jerry Messenbourg, Marimed Foundation, Neil Rutledge, Susan Messenbourg
Back In The Day

Journal 4/18/1975 P4 Suva Conference wants US to halt interference in Marianas The Conference for a Nuclear Free Pacific which adjourned in Suva, Fiji last week plans to ask the United Nations to determine if the separatist Marianas District plebiscite scheduled to be held in June is a “legitimate” act of self-determination. The group said […]
By Journal on April 14, 2017
Alvin Simon, Angela Miano, Arlinda Lemae, Arthur Jetton, Benjamin Kibin, Benny Hesa, Fredrick Heine, Irujiman Langidrik, Kelen Shem, Kinso Nimoto, Leeroy Langidrik, Rojen Helisha, Samson Samson, Shellina Benkim, Wilson Jimna
Back In The Day

Journal 4/11/1975 P1 Blue Shirts beginning delivery Trans Atoll Service Corporation (TASC) is in the process of delivering on one of its stated goals — lower prices for Marshall Islands consumers through cooperative buying. The first part of an order totaling in the neighborhood of $250,000 has arrived in the district center and individual TASC […]