Back In The Day

Businesses reserved for RMI citizens

Businesses reserved for RMI citizens

Journal 10/15/1976 P2 A new business A new business began this past week in the Marshalls — Salvador Harris has opened a two-chair barber shop in Majuro. Staffed with a barber from Laura village, haircuts will cost $2. The shop is located just north of Momotaro’s store. Shaves may also be had if desired. P2 […]

PCB bomb at Bikini

PCB bomb at Bikini

Journal 10/1/1976 P1 Mink calls for end to Kwajalien apartheid July hearings of a US Congress Committee in the Marshall Islands have resulted in a strongly-worded demand for an end to discriminatory practices at Kwajalein Atoll. Letters signed by Phillip Burton (D-California), Patsy Mink (D-Hawaii) and Antonio Won Pat (D-Guam) to the Secretaries of the […]

Bravo: They got it wrong

Bravo: They got it wrong

Journal 9/17/1976 P1 The foot in the door At the heart of the Marshalls’ separation movement is Amata Kabua. Forty-seven years old, senior Senator in the Congress of Micronesia, successful businessman and son of one of the Marshalls’ paramount traditional leaders, Amata Kabua is a power in the Marshalls. He has served as Chairman of […]

$7 million deal with ADB

$7 million deal with ADB

Journal 9/19/1975 P1 Meet scheduled on Bikini resettlement Official Washington, understandably, is in a quandary and the reason is none other than the Bikini Resettlement Project. What with a report from the US Energy Resource and Development Administration stating that additional restrictions be observed by Bikinians if they elect to return to Bikini Island where […]

Nitijela works on ‘blacklist’

Nitijela works on ‘blacklist’

Journal 9/2/1977 P1 From Yap with love The people of Yap District want the unity of Micronesia “at any cost,” Senator Jon Mangefel told the Senate August 26. P5 Enewetak: Radioactive junk yard for next 25,000 years Military infighting over monitoring radioactive “hot” junk for the next 25,000 years has sent ripples through the Enewetak […]

NCT issues first check

NCT issues first check

Journal 8/27/1976 P6 What They’ve Said by Mary Browning In the view of Donald F. McHenry, the problem of finding a proper political status for Micronesia has been essentially an unsuccessful effort to reconcile conflicting American and Micronesian interests. McHenry’s exploration of the problem has been published as Micronesia: Trust Betrayed, by the Carnegie Endowment […]

Minister Kijiner submits RepMar UN application

Minister Kijiner submits RepMar UN application

Journal 8/20/1976 P1 Nitijela passes Con-Con bill The Marshall Islands Nitijela has approved a bill which calls for the convening of a Constitutional Convention in the district this coming year. The bill, introduced by member Jina Lavin, provides $150,000 for the expenses of the measure and stipulates that 48 delegates will constitute the convention. Included […]

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