News Archive

Two die in Majuro accident

Two die in Majuro accident

HILARY HOSIA There have been at least four vehicle accidents in a span of a week in Majuro, one of which claimed the lives of a young couple over the weekend. A Rairok family was awakened following a loud boom in the early hours of Saturday. What they saw was a sedan car smashed against […]

Maui islanders get fire help

Maui islanders get fire help

KAREN EARNSHAW At least nine and possibly 12 Marshallese families lost their homes and all their belongings in the Lahaina, Maui, fire three weeks ago and 90 percent of the Marshallese workers on the Hawaiian island have lost their jobs, according to the Executive Director of the Marshallese Community Organization of Hawaii, Jendrikdrik Paul.  “The […]

Taiwan-RMI cultural exchange

Taiwan-RMI cultural exchange

Icyang Parod, Minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples, along with representatives from Austronesian Forum nations, visited the Alele Museum last week. This visit provided an opportunity to delve into the results of the Council’s contributions to the “Marshallese Language Revitalization Project.” The welcoming reception and guided tour were graciously conducted by Brenda Alik, Secretary […]

Soccer gets moving in RMI

Soccer gets moving in RMI

KAREN EARNSHAW The Marshall Islands Soccer Federation has “huge ambitions” to be able to develop soccer in the RMI following the success of a series of soccer camps held recently at Delap Park. The federation’s guest soccer coach, Britain’s Lloyd Owers, told the Journal that “we now have huge ambitions to develop this further in […]

4 Marshallese complete program

4 Marshallese complete program

Twenty-four leaders from across the Pacific islands marked their graduation from the Graduate School USA’s Executive Leadership Development Program on August 18 in Saipan. The diverse group of program participants represented the US-affiliated islands of American Samoa (4), the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (5), Guam (3), the Federated States of Micronesia National Government […]

RMI kids connect to roots

RMI kids connect to roots

KAREN EARNSHAW Feeling slightly apprehensive of how the next few days would go, a family arrived at the graceful campus of Saint John’s University near Minneapolis, Minnesota, with their adopted 10-year-old Marshallese daughter. “They parked and were hardly even out of the car when the Dad turned around to see his daughter running off with […]

Yun on Compact talks

Yun on Compact talks

JESSICA STONE* Congress is reviewing a proposal from President Joe Biden to create new security guarantees for three Pacific Island states: the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau. If Congress passes the Compacts of Free Association by September 30, they would provide billions of dollars of economic and security assistance for the nations and would deny […]

RMI youth push climate agenda

RMI youth push climate agenda

The Pacific Regional Loss and Damage Dialogue, hosted by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program and Climate Analytics, brought together government, civil society, academia, NGOs and the private sector to discuss experiences with loss and damage in the Pacific region and options to address it. Loss and damage refers to the consequences of […]

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