News Archive

Landowners okay water use

Landowners okay water use

Continued use of Laura freshwater lens will be available to the general public following renewed land lease agreement between Majuro landowners and government officials Tuesday at Marshall Islands Resort. Seven landowners representing the seven land parcels where freshwater is often pumped into the Majuro reservoirs were present for the signing ceremony, which was presided by […]

Hospital gets new facility

Hospital gets new facility

EVE BURNS Ministry of Health and Human Services (MOHHS) held a christening ceremony of a newly renovated extension of their Strategic National Stockpile Warehouse Tuesday. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) funded the building renovation and GMA Construction did the work. The warehouse will also serve as an office building for MOHHS surveillance and […]

Students get welcome aid

Students get welcome aid

HILARY HOSIA It pays to be smart. The 75 recipients of the Republic of China/Taiwan-RMI Presidents’ Scholarship honored at the Marshall Islands Resort last Friday thought so too. The Melele Room at MIR last week was full of proud students and parents who couldn’t hide how happy they were when they heard the name of […]

24 for Taiwan-RMI

24 for Taiwan-RMI

ROC (Taiwan) Embassy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade cohosted a luncheon Monday this week at the Nitijela Conference Room in celebration of the 24th anniversary of RMI-Taiwan diplomatic relations.President David Kabua and Nitijela Member and Iroojlaplap Michael Kabua attended the reception with Cabinet members, senators and government officials. Around 70 guests joined the […]

Job fair attracts hundreds

Job fair attracts hundreds

College of Marshall Islands (CMI) student Scott Ijai was one of hundreds of students who participated in the CMI National Apprenticeship event last week at the CMI Staff Sergeant Solomon Sam Sports Center. The event was staged like a job fair for college and high school students under coordination by CMI and the National Training […]

WUTMI hosts 21st national conference

WUTMI hosts 21st national conference

Big things are happening with WUTMI this week in Majuro hosting its 21st annual conference and bigger things are coming in 2023 and 2024. The Australian Ambassador for Women and Girls Christine Clarke is slatted to visit Marshall Islands in 2023, news that was shared by Australian Ambassador Brek Batley during the Women United Together […]

Resilience needed to become chauffeur

Resilience needed to become chauffeur

HILARY HOSIA Navigating the hospital and police system is not for the weak of mind or body. In layman’s terms, the current system is a maze. Say a person is trying to get chauffeur license to become a taxi driver. The person would need a hospital clearance card given to chauffeurs and food vendors. Initially, […]

RMI on 50-year clock

RMI on 50-year clock

The Marshall Islands delegation to the global climate summit COP27 in Egypt this past week released the “RMI Statement of Intent on Adaptation” — which underscores the emerging climate reality that in the lifetime of today’s elementary age population, much of the Marshall Islands may become uninhabitable. Marshall Islands delegates to COP27 are telling the […]

Ignored and largely forgotten

Ignored and largely forgotten

GIFF JOHNSON About 8,000 Americans participated in the cleanup of Enewetak Atoll. An additional untold number of Marshallese and people of other nationalities were also involved in the cleanup that ran from January 1, 1977 to April 15, 1980 — after which, the people of Enewetak were allowed to return home to live on the […]

Yun: Testing was a ‘tragedy’

Yun: Testing was a ‘tragedy’

WILMER JOEL US Special Presidential Envoy Joseph Yun and his delegation set foot on the Runit Dome in Enewetak for the first time last Friday. Minister Kitlang Kabua and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade hosted this visit. “We live in fear, fear of the bombs, guns, and nuclear,” were the words in a […]

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