By Journal on January 21, 2021
Father Hacker High School, Hilary Hosia, Jabro Sports Complex, Kwajalein Atoll High School
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Ebeye took a giant leap for women’s empowerment last week following the first-ever basketball competition for women between Father Hacker High School and Kwajalein Atoll High School at the Jabro Sports Complex. Strict dress code enforced by traditional leaders prevented women from participating in the popular sport in the past — that changed when Iroojlaplap and […]
By Journal on January 21, 2021
Giff Johnson, Jack Niedenthal, Marshall Islands Red Cross Society, Moderna vaccines, Wilmer Joel
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GIFF JOHNSON Coronavirus vaccines were rolled out to a larger segment of the Majuro and Ebeye communities starting January 18. Last week, people in the 60 and over age group were eligible for vaccines and many took advantage of this by walking into the MCH Clinic at Majuro hospital to obtain the first of two […]
By Journal on January 14, 2021
David Paul, Hilary Hosia, Hirata Kabua, Jeremy Bartel, Joe Bejang
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GIFF JOHNSON A medical evacuation by Army helicopter of two pregnant women, an elderly man and a child from Lib Island this past Sunday was hailed as “extraordinary” by a Kwajalein member of Nitijela. “On a moment notice, a humanitarian and selfless act by Colonel Jeremy Bartel and his team saved six lives by dispatching […]
By Journal on January 14, 2021
COVID-19, Frank Underwood, Giff Johnson, Jack Niedenthal, Mineko Mista, MOHHS, Rosabella Jennet, Vaccines
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Since the rollout of Covid vaccinations in RMI shortly before the New Year, the Ministry of Health and Human Services has vaccinated 612 healthcare workers and other “front line” employees. Meantime, the RMI’s Covid vaccination program for the public will soon be moving into high-gear, with the arrival in Majuro of 6,000 doses of the […]
By Journal on January 14, 2021
Alfred Alfred Jr., Frank Underwood, Ribuuk Meto
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A new RMI vessel, the MV Ribuuk Meto, was forced to shelter in Ailinglaplap’s lagoon earlier this week, as poor ocean conditions led to a delay in its arrival in Majuro.Government authorities had scheduled a welcome ceremony for the vessel Tuesday afternoon. But that plan was shelved after high waves and gusting winds earlier this […]
By Journal on January 7, 2021
Bethwel Henry, Flyod Takeuchi, Giff Johnson, Tosiwo Nakayama
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GIFF JOHNSON The death of Bethwel Henry in mid-December is truly the end of an era in the national development of the Federated States of Micronesia — and throughout the entire freely associated state area. While making a list can be troublesome — someone who should be on it is frequently left off — it […]
By Journal on January 7, 2021
David Kabua, Eve Burns, Giff Johnson, Jeffrey Hsiao, Kenneth Kedi, Mazie Hirono, Norio Saito, Palukne Johnny, Roxanne Cabral
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GIFF JOHNSON President David Kabua delivered a state of the nation address at Monday’s Nitijela opening ceremony, issuing a straightforward call for improvements in many areas of government operations.As is customary with ceremonial openings that do not involve the drama of an election, the chamber gallery evidenced many empty seats, save for the church singing […]
By Journal on January 7, 2021
Covid19, Josie Howard, Karen Earnshaw, Medicaid, We are Oceania
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KAREN EARNSHAWJosie Howard, Program Director of Hawaii’s We Are Oceania (WAO) organization, is feeling extremely grateful that the US government’s Covid-19 relief bill will finally reinstate Medicaid eligibility to all Compact of Free Association citizens living in the United States.“I’ve been meeting with Senator Mazie Hirono and others on this and we are all moving […]
By Journal on December 31, 2020
Dandee Bellosillo, FAMI, Jiba Kabua, Maybelline Ipil, Steven Philip, Wilson Cinco
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The Filipino Association of the Marshall Islands is set to launch a Majuro road improvement project.A team of FAMI officials met with Majuro Member of Nitijela Stephen Philip, and Works Minister Jiba Kabua and Secretary Catalino Kijiner to brief them on the plans for the “Bayanihan Road Reflectors Installation” to start in January 2021.“Bayanihan” means […]
By Journal on December 31, 2020
Bruce Bilimon, Carl Ingram, Covid Vaccines, Giff Johnson, Jack Niedenthal, Kenneth Kedi, Kotak Loeak, Palukne Johnny
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GIFF JOHNSONThe Marshall Islands became the first independent nation in the Pacific region to begin Covid-19 vaccinations as a group of high-ranking Marshall Islands leaders joined with Ministry of Health doctors and nurses to be the first to receive the United States government-provided vaccines on Tuesday.The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) delivered to Majuro […]