News Archive

‘Biit’ rocks local Churches

‘Biit’ rocks local Churches

Churches were the place to be Christmas Day as they came alive with amplified keyboard tunes and energetic biit dancing to celebrate Christmas…with some of the Christmas celebration spilling over into Saturday.Each year, the audiences remember one or more special jepta performances, outstanding in some way. Each year, the Marshalls Christian High School jepta from […]

RMI gears for Covid vaccines

GIFF JOHNSONThe first batch of Covid-19 vaccines are scheduled to arrive within the next week, possibly as early as this weekend, according to RMI officials.The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is providing an initial delivery of the Moderna-developed vaccine to the RMI, Federated States of Micronesia and Palau.The RMI Cabinet, Ministry of Health […]

‘Buhly’ wear making its mark

‘Buhly’ wear making its mark

EVE BURNSTalented Marshallese clothing designer Kimberly Matthew is famously known for her work on Buhly wear. Her label reflects a Marshallese pronunciation of the second part of her name (Berly to Buhly).She designs and sews clothes that Marshallese girls all over have gone crazy for.She was born and raised here in the Majuro, attending Majuro […]

Nitijela, Cabinet in holiday dustup

Nitijela, Cabinet in holiday dustup

GIFF JOHNSON At a time when most people’s focus has turned to jeptas, holiday parties, shopping and family gatherings, this December has featured an usual development. Nitijela and the Cabinet are in a dust up over several public hearings scheduled by chairmen last week, one of which the Cabinet cut off from V7AB radio broadcast […]

Cops burn $80m drug haul

Cops burn $80m drug haul

GIFF JOHNSONMarshall Islands police incinerated over 1,400 pounds of cocaine in Majuro on December 15 after the cache of drugs drifted into Ailuk Atoll last week. Police said it is the largest volume of cocaine to ever wash into the Marshall Islands, which has seen hundreds of kilos of cocaine wash into multiple islands over […]

Climate ‘Midnight’ is close

Climate ‘Midnight’ is close

A three-part climate video series, “Fighting for our survival,” has been released by the climate action organization, This includes a new climate video, “Midnight,” filmed in the Marshall Islands and featuring Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner. “Midnight” was unveiled December 11 at the opening of the online event Kainaki II to COP 26 – Pacific Islands Forum […]

UN backs Likiep shore defense

UN backs Likiep shore defense

The first grant to support shoreline protection at Likiep Atoll was signed earlier this week by Likiep Atoll Mayor Nicholas deBrum and UNDP Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program National Coordinator Yoshiko Yamaguchi. The agreement signing was witnessed Tony Alik, Deputy Director of Waan Aelon in Majel, who was representing the grantee for the new […]

Nitijela honors Enewetak ‘veterans’

Nitijela honors Enewetak ‘veterans’

Before adjourning last month, Nitijela adopted 11 resolutions, including honoring the Americans who worked on the nuclear test cleanup at Enewetak.These include: • Resolution 15, Radiological Cleanup of Enewetak Atoll, 1977-1980, recognizing the American military and civilian workers who participated in the cleanup. • Resolution 16, Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial Documents in […]

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