By Journal on December 9, 2022
1997, attacked, Back in the Day, Iraq War, Mozul., Solomon “Labai” Sam
Back In The Day

Journal 12/13/1985 P3 New night club A good time was had by all at The Pub’s grand opening last Friday. It is an excellent new night spot. P3 Robert gives canoe gift Robert Reimers personally delivered a 10-foot model of an ancient Marshallese canoe to Alexander Bolton, Vice President of Matson Navigation Company in Honolulu […]
By Journal on November 4, 2022
$9.9 million, 1997, Back in the Day, Deloitte, FY1996, passport, RMI
Back In The Day

Journal 11/8/1985 P1 AMI’s Dornier arrives! The first Dornier is here! The long-anticipated arrival of the first Dorner 228 aircraft from West Germany became a reality last Friday, when, with Captain Helbert Alfred at the controls, the brand new plane touched down at Majuro’s International Airport at 3:30pm. A are crowd watched the arrival, and […]
By Journal on July 15, 2022
$13m, 1997, Atsuo Saegusa, Back in the Day, Diplomatic Agreement, Majuro Roads, Phillip Muller
Back In The Day

Journal 7/19/1985 P1 UN team visiting The UN Visiting Team arrived July 16 and held a public hearing at the Marshall Islands High School gym at 8pm that night. Many teachers attended the meeting. Later in the week, one of the UN members met with opposition members at Likrok Restaurant. He met with Senators Chuji […]
By Journal on June 10, 2022
1997, Back in the Day, coins for hard cash, Coins investigated, commemorative coins, Marshall Islands Government
Back In The Day

Journal 6/14/1985 P7 A man for all seasons The Marshall Islands Sports and Recreation Club said goodbye to one of its most dedicated members this week. Mike Musgrave wasn’t the only active member in the club. It seemed, however, that he was always available when something needed doing and worked tirelessly getting it done. He […]
By Journal on May 6, 2022
1997, Back in the Day, Deutz, Majuro, MEC, New Power plant
Back In The Day

Journal 5/10/1985 P1 Compact hits minefield In a statement that did not mince words, a key US Congressman whose endorsement of the Compact of Free Association is considered essential to its passage asserted that “it is not in the best interests of the US to approve the Compact without change.” House Interior and Insular Affairs […]
By Journal on April 29, 2022
1997, Back in the Day, local police, Loco, maced, The Pub
Back In The Day

Journal 5/3/1985 P1 Rongelap radiation danger exaggerated? With the Rongelap Atoll evacuation day fast approaching, US government officials have suddenly begun to pooh-pay the islanders’ fear of continued radiation exposure, arguing that the atoll is safe for habitation. “We see no radiological or medical reason to move,” said Andy Wilson, a US official who has […]
By Journal on April 1, 2022
1997, aids, Al Jeaan, Back in the Day, Ebeye, Imata Kabua, Infrastructure projects, Majuro, Phillip Muller
Back In The Day

Journal 4/5/1985 P1 Schools face hard facts The Marshall Islands “have inherited a solid base on which they are building their national educational systems,” said the State Department in recent Congressional testimony. Despite this optimistic assessment, local educators and administrators are beset with an education system that has the highest high school drop out rate […]
By Journal on March 18, 2022
$12.5 million, 1997, Back in the Day, Cabinet, May 1, MEC, rates set to go up
Back In The Day

Journal 3/22/1985 P2 Thinking young As has been noted here earlier, 1985 is the UN’s Year of the Child. This pictorial Special High School issue is the Journal’s way of recognizing the many young people who are working hard preparing themselves to take a leading and productive role in the community in the very near […]
By Journal on February 18, 2022
1997, Back in the Day, Ebeye, leading cuases, Majuro, malnutrition, report, UNICEF
Back In The Day

Journal 2/22/1985 P1 Rongelap poised for evacuation The people of Rongelap Atoll are preparing to evacuate their home island, fearing high levels of residual radiation from nuclear tests of the 1950s. Rongelap Senator Jeton Anjain is currently on Rongelap discussing resettlement plans with the 250 people residing there. The Rongelapese want to move to Ebadon […]
By Journal on January 28, 2022
1997, Back in the Day, climate change, High waves, Kili island, small Islands
Back In The Day

Journal 2/1/1985 P1 Audit General report serves as foundation The Auditor General has submitted his second report to the Nitijela. Auditor General Brian Riordan stated in the report that RepMar accounts are almost all unauditable as a result of the “legacy of the Trust Territory.” He noted that RepMar “has never prepared comprehensive financial statements, […]