By Journal on August 4, 2022
Air Marshall Islands, Angeline Heine-Reimers, Billma Peter, Brenda ALik, company CSI, Hilary Hosia, ICC, Marie Davis-Milne, Miss Majel pageant, Miss Majel pageant cranks up, OCIT, Samoa
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Miss Marshall Islands (MMI) 2022 organizers engaged with local leadership and island committee representatives of upcoming MMI contestants last Thursday at the International Conference Center. The timeline, rules, regulations and expectations of the two-week pageant were shared during the forum. It was announced that Philippine-based media company CSI will be in charge of […]
By Journal on July 21, 2022
Air Marshall Islands, Brenson Wase, Iroojlaplap Mike Kabua, Mike Kabua, Tony Aiseia, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

Numerous Air Marshall Islands flights, ships and boats all have one trajectory this week: Kwajalein Atoll. From top government leadership to residents of remote outer islands in the Ralik Chain, all are aiming to be on Kwajalein Atoll this week — and those that cannot be there in person are sending contributions of many kinds: […]
By Journal on May 27, 2022
2008, Air Marshall Islands, Back in the Day, Bikini Atoll, Conde Nast Traveler Magazine, Jack Niedenthal, nuclear test, World War two ship sunk
Back In The Day

Journal 5/31/1985 P1 Rongelapese clash with US ambassador The verbal sparring between US officials and Rongelap Atoll leaders escalated this week when the US ambassador to the United Nations charged that the nearly completed evacuation of Rongelap was instigated by outsiders who were misleading the islanders about radiation contamination on the atoll. Ambassador Harvey Feldman […]
By Journal on April 15, 2022
Air Marshall Islands, Dornier, Hilary Hosia, Kwajalein, Majuro, Namu
Feature Articles

It took Air Marshall Islands an impressive 15 minutes to service Majkin, Namu Tuesday afternoon this week following a smooth landing by the Dornier — ample time for half of the village, a local agent and two village dogs to see off their loved ones heading to Majuro. Unlike Majuro and Kwajalein airports, and airports […]
By Journal on February 3, 2022
Air Marshall Islands, Hiary Hosia, KALGov, Kwaj, Shicko Luke, US Army military police
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The body of Kwajalein Atoll Local Government Police Officer II Shicko Luke received top honors by KALGov honor guards and US Army military police colleagues Wednesday afternoon following the arrival of Shicko Luke at the Bucholz Army Airfield on Kwajalein Atoll. Shicko was one of the original front liners stationed at the Kwaj […]
By Journal on November 18, 2021
Air Marshall Islands, Anthony Paul, Kili island, Kili runway, Mael Watak, Ngaaia Tioti
News Archive

All flights to Kili Island were halted this week for an indefinite period of time by the Directorate of Civil Aviation based on safety concerns about the condition of the runway. Anthony Paul, the DCA’s Senior Aviation Inspector/Operations, notified AMI’s Director of Flight Operations Captain Mael Watak on Tuesday this week that the DCA was […]
By Journal on November 12, 2021
748 flight, Air Marshall Islands, Fiji, five adrift, I-Kiribati, Jaluit Atoll, Mejrirok Island, Tarawa
Back In The Day

Journal 11/16/1984 P1 RepMar moves to protect offshore banking status The Republic of the Marshall Islands is moving toward early enactment of new regulations for its burgeoning offshore banking business. The Marshall Islands government began licensing offshore banks in March 1983. Since then, it has licensed 102 such banks. Because the business of offshore banking […]
By Journal on October 22, 2021
Air Marshall Islands, Back in the Day, Bikini, Bikini Atoll, Bikini Atoll Diving, Dash-8, Divers, Diving in Bikini
Back In The Day

Journal 10/19/1984 P1 Eona Simon is graduated from FBI Academy In a September 14 rebased, William H. Webster, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, announced the law enforcement officers who graduated from the 138th session of the FBI National Academy. They were honored in ceremonies at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Among several […]
By Journal on April 23, 2021
748 airplane, Air Marshall Islands, DC-8, Tom Ryan
Back In The Day

Journal 4/27/1984P1 Zeder meets with Marshalls’ leaders US Ambassador Fred Zeder arrived in Majuro April 18 for a two day visit enroute to Guam for President Reagan’s meeting next week with Micronesian leaders. President Kabua is scheduled to leave Majuro on Sunday to attend that meeting. Zeder met several times with President Kabua to report […]
By Journal on April 15, 2021
Air Marshall Islands, Drauna Waqasokolala., Giff Johnson
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Air Marshall Islands Dash-8 was grounded again April 11 and will remain in the AMI hangar until it can get the required inspection by certified engineers. A plan is in the works for bringing in certified aircraft engineers who can accomplish the inspections so that the Dash-8 can get back in the air, […]