By Journal on June 13, 2024
Alice Elanzo, Areyochi deBrum, Arlington Tibon, Assembly of God, Hansen Kaisha, Mercy Bomade, National Institution for Youth Education of Japan, Rita Elementary School, Rose-Wena Tawaj, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

Eighty-two students from the sixth grade at Rita Elementary School who were promoted to middle school status received certificates and awards last Friday under the theme: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:12). Out of the four sections, two students emerged with the top grade point average. The students are […]
By Journal on June 8, 2023
Arlington Tibon, Barbara Ned, Daina Lafita, Hirobo Obeketang, Isatako Timothy, Kanchi Hosia, Majuro Middle School, Marshall Islands High School, Silass Andrike
News Archive

Marshall Islands High School wrapped up the school year by recognizing 209 graduates Tuesday at the gymnasium facility next to Majuro Middle School. The graduation theme was “The desire for knowledge brings greater reward.” The keynote speaker was Hirobo Obeketang, General Manager of the Marshall Islands Resort, who spoke at great length about the importance […]
By Journal on October 7, 2022
Arlington Tibon, Jisam Kaisha, Ladie Jack, Rita, Teron weto
News Archive

The latest stomping grounds to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) — the Jisam Kaisha Multipurpose Basketball Court — was christened Tuesday at Teron weto in Rita. The court is named in honor of the late Jisam Kaisha, a longtime Majuro Atoll Local Government (MALGov) councilman and huge supporter of sports. The court adds yet another visual […]
By Journal on August 13, 2021
Arlington Tibon, Edward Petersen, Laura beach, LDS Church, Raymond Spaia, Relief Society, William Ring, Wilmer Joel, Young Single Adults
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL Majuro Stake Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) alongside the Young Single Adult (YSA) organization held a camping and picnic expedition at Laura Beach at the end of July. Although both groups were in the same place they were separated and scattered in different areas of […]
By Journal on May 6, 2021
Annej Ishiguro, Arlington Tibon, Chiyaya Anmontha, Chiyaya Anmontha Park, Jeffery Kakku Alik, Kalani Kaneko, Majuro Taxi Drivers Association, Ronnie Lakabung, Sandy Alfred, Stephen Phillip, Taitus Amram, Tony Muller, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

WILMER JOEL The Majuro Taxi Drivers Association made history in late April by holding a momentous ceremony for the inauguration of their newly elected officers at the Chiyaya Anmontha Park in Jenrok. It was the first time for the association to do this in the 50 years since its establishment and it produced attendance of […]
By Journal on October 16, 2020
Akio Heine, Arlington Tibon, Ben Chutaro, Bruce Bilion, Edhlyn Silk, Kenneth Kedi, Matt Zackhras, Minni Andrew, Nancy Moufa, Roseverina deBrum, Yeller Bnzmn
Back In The Day

Journal 10/14/1983 P3 Centers for elderly open on Arno, Mejit Two centers for the elderly are scheduled to open this week on Arno and Mejit, according to the Social Services office. The centers will provide a balanced diet to senior citizens in these two areas. P4 Among other things by Akio Heine The Bikini delegation […]
By Journal on November 1, 2018
Arlington Tibon, Hilary Hosia, Hirobo Obeketang, Majuro Cooperative School, Majuro Deaf Education Center, Majuro Middle School, MIEPI, Yolanda Lodge
News Archive

Marshall Islands Prevention Group, otherwise known as MIEPI, is celebrating 10 years as a non-governmental organization in the RMI. MIEPI was established to provide epidemiological surveillance, community research, and public health planning and prevention to monitor, assess and improve health and social welfare of communities in the RMI. MIEPI set aside $1,000 annually since it […]
By Journal on December 7, 2017
Arlington Tibon, BOMI, Hilda Heine, Marshall Islands Service Corporation, MISCO, Patrick Chen
News Archive

The opening of the new local market by Marshall Islands Service Corporation was the big event for Majuro last Thursday. It’s located in Uliga across the street from the Nitijela offices. Community members were present for the festivities, including President Hilda Heine and BOMI President Patrick Chen who shared the cake-cutting honors while the crowd […]
By Journal on September 14, 2017
Alson Kelen, Arlington Tibon, Cory Jokray, Waan Aelon in Majel, WAM
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON A graduation later this month will recognize a group of young people who had few opportunities in their lives earlier this year but now have multiple doors open for their future. Last month, Waan Aelon in Majel (WAM) graduated a group of over 20 Marshallese following a six-month training on woodworking. On September […]
By Journal on October 13, 2016
Arlington Tibon, basketball, cmi, Giff Johnson, Junjun Bellu, Ralik Ratak Shootout, Rickiano Antibas, Steph Curry
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON “This was the toughest BOMI Ralik Ratak Shootout in my era,” said Tournament Director Rickiano Antibas Tuesday after championship night at the SSG Solomon Sam Memorial Court at CMI. The crowd, estimated at well over 1,000 — sitting on top of cars, in the backs of pickups, on apartment walkways across the street, […]