Bruce Bilimon

Australian ambassador arrives

Australian ambassador arrives

WILMER JOEL Australia’s first resident Ambassador to the Marshall Islands Brek Anthony Batley and his wife Mary Palmer arrived in Majuro last Thursday, after two weeks of quarantine at the US Army Garrison — Kwajalein Atoll. Straight from their airport arrival, they were both escorted to the International Conference Center where President David Kabua accepted […]

Boys take val and sal

Boys take val and sal

WILMER JOEL Marshall Islands High School (MIHS) 56th commencement exercise will go down as the largest graduation of this school year. A total of 169 graduates from sections 12A to 12G successfully completed four school years at MIHS. The graduation venue was flooded with many parents, families, and friends who witnessed this momentous occasion. Joining […]

Nitijela calls Bartel to honor

Nitijela calls Bartel to honor

GIFF JOHNSON Col. Jeremy Bartel was called to honor by Nitijela Monday in what Speaker Kenneth Kedi said was an unprecedented ceremony in the chamber. Bartel flew into Majuro Monday for the ceremony in the Chamber and was joined by US Ambassador Roxanne Cabral for the event. The Nitijela session started off as usual with […]

Ebeye celebrates Ribuuk Meto

Ebeye celebrates Ribuuk Meto

Ribuuk Meto received a wild welcome party at Ebeye dock. The first event of Kwajalein Day was the christening of Ribuuk Meto, making its maiden voyage from Majuro to Kwajalein. This christening was unlike Majuro’s, which was, for lack of a better word, dull. Kwajalein folk really topped the bar on celebrating. Women were all […]

RMI launches Covid vaccines

RMI launches Covid vaccines

GIFF JOHNSONThe Marshall Islands became the first independent nation in the Pacific region to begin Covid-19 vaccinations as a group of high-ranking Marshall Islands leaders joined with Ministry of Health doctors and nurses to be the first to receive the United States government-provided vaccines on Tuesday.The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) delivered to Majuro […]

Close call on Covid

Close call on Covid

GIFF JOHNSON The US Army Garrison, Kwajalein Atoll had its first long-distance brush with coronavirus when one of the 15 base workers scheduled to return this week tested positive for Covid-19 in Honolulu prior to departing for Kwajalein. Contract tracing by Army authorities identified three others in the intending repatriation group to have had contact […]

RMI pays Covid relief

RMI pays Covid relief

Two Majuro businesses received RMI government-provided coronavirus economic relief funds at Cabinet July 10, the first businesses to receive aid since the government approved a $6 million Covid-19 relief fund. More businesses applying for the Covid-19 economic aid are currently under review for possible assistance, said government officials. President David Kabua and members of the […]