David Kramer

Christmas visit

Christmas visit

The Kramer and Muller families delivered Christmas cheer to Majuro hospital patients and staff for the 18th consecutive year when they arrived at the hospital bearing gifts. The two Majuro Senators, David Kramer and Tony Muller, started their family tradition of hospital visits in 2000. Read more about the Christmas celebration in the Marshall Islands […]

MIR seals Ebeye Hotel deal

MIR seals Ebeye Hotel deal

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Resort signed a two-year contract with Marshall Islands Development Bank to run the Ebeye Hotel last Friday at the MIDB headquarters. MIDB board members and MIR management team were present for the signing ceremony. MIDB board members praised MIR for accepting the bid, which took two years to materialize. “One of […]

WWII ships pose oil threat

WWII ships pose oil threat

MAKERETA KIMAI, PACNEWS Editor at last week’s UN Oceans Conference A number of Pacific leaders used last week’s UN Oceans Conference to bring global attention to nuclear contamination and World War Two wrecks that have become environment hazards. Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands led the charge in highlighting what they call ‘real […]

RMI engages at UN Ocean summit

RMI engages at UN Ocean summit

This week’s High-Level UN Ocean Conference at the UN Headquarters in New York City is seeing significant participation from the RMI in the main conference and multiple “side events.” The Ocean Conference, co-chaired by the governments of the Republic of Fiji and Sweden, supports the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG14) that deals with […]

Con-Con funding a big worry

Con-Con funding a big worry

HILARY HOSIA Nitijela reconvened for an unusual May meeting Wednesday this week, with plans to continue meeting through Friday to address legislation related to the in-progress Constitutional Convention. Wednesday morning, during off-air comments, senators engaged in debate over spending by and funding needs of the Con-Con, with some senators saying Con-Con should not proceed with […]

Pig production to escalate

Pig production to escalate

ROC Ambassador Daniel DW Tang and R&D Minister Alfred Alfred, Jr. jointly hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Taiwan Technical Mission’s new pig house last week. Speaker Kenneth Kedi, Minister Amenta Matthew, Senators David Kramer, Dennis Momotaro, Daisy Alik Momotaro, and Sherwood Tibon, US Ambassador Karen Stewart, R&D Secretary Rebecca Lorennij, Majuro Mayor Ladie […]

Feisty hearings for Public Accounts

Feisty hearings for Public Accounts

HILARY HOSIA The Public Accounts Committee launched nine days of hearings Tuesday at the Nitijela Conference Room with the Auditor General and Ministry of Finance first up on the agenda. Based on rapid inquiries from members of the committee chaired by Likiep Senator Leander Leander, Jr., the session heated up minutes after starting. But as […]

Younger candidates take vote lead

Younger candidates take vote lead

Voters want change and new directions for the RMI, two winning candidates told the Journal this week. “The people have spoken and they want change,” said incumbent Majuro Senator David Kramer, who is being returned to office with 2,477 domestic votes in the Majuro electorate. “They want a new government and that is evidenced by […]