By Journal on July 30, 2020
Giff Johnson, Hiroshi Yamamura, Jackson Ading, James Matayoshi, Kenneth Kedi, Peterson JIbas, President David Kabua, Roxanne Cabral, Tobin Kaiko, Vice Speaker Peterson Jibas
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GIFF JOHNSON Leaders of nuclear test-affected atolls described their first meeting as a group with US Ambassador Roxanne Cabral late last week as “productive and positive.” Coupled with a meeting the nuclear atolls had with President David Kabua earlier last week, they feel there is momentum building for dignified solution to the US nuclear weapons […]
By Journal on July 23, 2020
AKIA CAFE, Bruce Bilimon, Carson Sigrah, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Hirata Kabua, Jeremy Bartel, Joe Bejang, Junior Aini, Kalani Kaneko, Kitlang kabua, Peterson JIbas, Reginald White, RRE, Tony Aisaia, USAG-KA
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GIFF JOHNSON The US Army Garrison, Kwajalein Atoll had its first long-distance brush with coronavirus when one of the 15 base workers scheduled to return this week tested positive for Covid-19 in Honolulu prior to departing for Kwajalein. Contract tracing by Army authorities identified three others in the intending repatriation group to have had contact […]
By Journal on July 10, 2020
Giff Johnson
Feature Articles

Tuna transshipment in Majuro during June saw a big rebound from May, but the numbers remained low by the standards of the past two years. A total of 11 tuna transshipments by purse seiners to carrier vessels in the lagoon and unloadings (tuna off-loaded at the dock for local processing or shipment via freezer container) […]
By Journal on July 9, 2020
Dr. Adam Maass, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Jack Niedenthal, Kino Kabua
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GIFF JOHNSON The coronavirus has turned into the perfect storm for thousands of Marshall Islanders living in the United States. Since March, Marshallese have experienced extraordinary Covid-19 infection and death rates in many American states. “The most vulnerable people in the United States in almost every state where there are large numbers of Pacific islanders, […]
By Journal on July 2, 2020
Daniel Kelin II, Giff Johnson, Iban Edwin, Isaac Marty, Jia Hisaiah, Kathy Jenil-Kijiner, Milan Loeak, Selina Leem
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GIFF JOHNSON The infamous Marshallese trickster Letao is scheduled to take center-stage in Honolulu next year. He will make a world premiere at Kumu Kahua Theater as a central character in a new play, “[x]other: a micro story,” written by Daniel Kelin, II. [x]other: a micro story will be featured at the Hawaii theater for […]
By Journal on June 11, 2020
Benson Benjamin, Cent Langidrik, Centilinta Bantol, Giff Johnson, Janson, Jason, Juslina Lafita, Justin, Justina Langidrik, Wilbert Alik
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GIFF JOHNSON A Marshallese man “highly gifted with words” and knowledge of the Marshall Islands died this week in Majuro at the age of 71. Throughout his life, Cent Langidrik was a teacher, school principal, Education Secretary, Public Service Commission Chairman and, most recently, a member of the RMI Customary Law and Language Commission. Aside […]
By Journal on June 4, 2020
Benjamin Thomas, Connielynn Paul, Giff Johnson, Godfrey Capelle, Hilary Hosia, Jeremy Bartel, Kino Kabua, MOHHS, Namoluk Atoll, NDC, USAG-KA
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GIFF JOHNSON Following last week’s repatriation of nine Marshallese from the FSM, the RMI National Disaster Committee (NDC) is expected to start considering arrangements, including protocols, for RMI citizens stranded in Covid-19 affected countries to return home. Part of this major decision to eventually allow RMI citizens back home will be contingent upon the completion of […]
By Journal on May 28, 2020
Eli Maravilla, Giff Johnson, John Mason, K&K Island Pride, Kino Kabua, Tyler Milne
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GIFF JOHNSON Food supply issues as the Covid-19 coronavirus continues to affect nations of the world are a key concern of large retail and wholesale companies in the Marshall Islands. K and K Island Pride Supermarket officials pointed to a number of future supply chain worries that they are attempting to grapple with. Already, local […]
By Journal on May 14, 2020
Air Marshall Islands, Drauna Waqasokolala, FSM, Giff Johnson
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GIFF JOHNSON RMI government authorities are making special arrangements for Guam-based couriers to bring an overdue delivery of cash for local banks and, separately, for a handful of Marshallese stranded in Pohnpei to return to Majuro. Although planning has progressed, it is unclear if either of these initiatives will happen, based on: • The reluctance […]
By Journal on April 30, 2020
Bruce Bilimon, COVID-19, Giff Johnson, Jack, Jasmin Nogar, Paul Lalita, Rachael Doherty, Raynald Samoa, Wibert Nenam
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GIFF JOHNSON Pacific islanders living in the United States have an infection rate two to three times the average in at least four American states, according to data released April 26 by the Pacific Islander Center of Primary Care Excellence, a California-based group. The organization cited the “alarming disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on Native Hawaiian […]