Hilary Hosia

Heine: Stop the spread of NCDs

Heine: Stop the spread of NCDs

President Hilda Heine called on the entire Marshallese community, — government agencies, non-government offices and churches and diplomatic allies to help the Ministry of Health in the battle against Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) during the opening of the first NCD Summit Tuesday at the International Conference Center. “The time for talk is over,” Heine said. “The […]

First environment report since 1992

First environment report since 1992

HILARY HOSIA “In recognition of the new world order, which calls for all nations to take responsibility for their environmental impacts, and to cooperate in finding global solutions to global problems, our nation presents this document as an affirmation of its commitment to integrating the principals of sustainable development into national policy. As a nation […]

Health’s ‘first’ for the region

Health’s ‘first’ for the region

HILARY HOSIA The Marshall Islands Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Pacific Island Health Officers Association, has opened an opportunity for other Pacific health agencies by rolling out the Fiji National University’s nurse practitioner program in Majuro — the first time the program is being conducted outside of Fiji. The pioneer trainees, 16 total, […]

Rongelap homes get solar aid

Rongelap homes get solar aid

HILARY HOSIA Seven months ago, Humanity First of the Marshall Islands’ then-President Falah Shams and Rongelap Atoll Local Government Mayor James Matayoshi signed an agreement to use a New Zealand grant to provide solar energy for 10 Rongelap homes in Majuro. As part of the agreement, RALGov provided a portion of money to join with […]

MALGov police get IT

MALGov police get IT

Following five weeks of morning sessions at Alele Museum in Majuro, five police officers from Majuro Atoll Local Government received certificates of achievement for completing the Basic Computer and Microsoft Application course. The group is the second batch of local police officers to undergo the course. Alele staffers Tarlos Larron and Angeline deBrum conducted the […]

Resort hosts big 20th celebration

Resort hosts big 20th celebration

Marshall Islands Resort kicks off its three-day 20th anniversary celebration Thursday August 4 with an opening ceremony from 5:30pm, and Friday and Saturday will see a range of cultural activities on the lagoon side of the hotel, along with canoe races (Friday afternoon) and Iron Man (Kone Jubar) and recycle boat fishing tournament (Saturday afternoon). […]

RMI students struggle with literacy

RMI students struggle with literacy

HILARY HOSIA The Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) report showed fifth and seventh graders in Marshall Islands had the lowest test results among 13 Pacific countries. The report was presented to principals and head teachers from the public school system recently at the International Conference Center. Students in the Marshall Islands and 12 […]

Majuro hosts big health meet

Majuro hosts big health meet

The second Pacific Islands Program Collaboration and Service Integration (PCSI) Conference opened on Monday at the International Conference Center. The conference, hosted by the Ministry of Health, continues through Friday. Supported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), PCSI is “a mechanism for organizing and blending interrelated health issues, activities, and prevention strategies to facilitate […]

Powering up great sounds

Powering up great sounds

HILARY HOSIA Daniel Kramer should be recognized as the magician of the Marshallese music empire. Why so? Simple: One year. That’s how long it took Daniel to carry out the greatest musical feats in Marshallese history. Last summer, Daniel did the impossible when he reunited the famed Laura Settlers for a performance at Delap Park. […]