By Journal on February 8, 2024
Andrew Morgan, Connie Livai Jr, Elaisa Riklon, Ernest Miller, Hilary Hosia, Hirobo Obeketang, jobwa, Kilinwojke Kabua, Kitlang kabua, Kwajalein, Mike Kabua, Mike Sakaio, Operation Flintlock, Shimiko Chong Gum, Stacey Morgan, US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll, USAG-KA
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HILARY HOSIA The remains of a fallen US service member believed missing since World War II in the Marshall Islands was finally homebound last week following the official handover by the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll (USAG-KA) at the Richardson Theater last Friday. The development was one of the many highlights during the four-day celebrations in […]
By Journal on June 8, 2023
Arlington Tibon, Barbara Ned, Daina Lafita, Hirobo Obeketang, Isatako Timothy, Kanchi Hosia, Majuro Middle School, Marshall Islands High School, Silass Andrike
News Archive

Marshall Islands High School wrapped up the school year by recognizing 209 graduates Tuesday at the gymnasium facility next to Majuro Middle School. The graduation theme was “The desire for knowledge brings greater reward.” The keynote speaker was Hirobo Obeketang, General Manager of the Marshall Islands Resort, who spoke at great length about the importance […]
By Journal on March 3, 2022
Alson Kelen, Chewy Lin, Chris deBrum, Giff Johnson, Hirobo Obeketang, MIPD fire department, Public School System, Waan Aelon in Majel
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Fires have long been the scourge of Majuro and Sunday’s blaze that destroyed the Waan Aelon in Majel (Canoes of the Marshall Islands) two-story offices and workshops proved that point.Firefighting equipment and know-how is rarely able to stop a fire in progress. The best that can be hoped for in Majuro is that […]
By Journal on January 7, 2022
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Colette Reimers, DJ Pat, DJ Yastamon, Hirobo Obeketang, Majuro New Year's Block Party, OCIT, Waylon Muller, Wilmer Joel
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL Majuro New Year’s Block Party continues to be a hit spectacle that lives up to its reputation every new year in the Marshall Islands. This year’s Block Party Committee collaborated with the Office of Commerce, Investment and Tourism (OCIT) once more to organize this yearly jamboree to the fullest potential, an event sponsored […]
By Journal on June 3, 2021
Ainrik George, Chewy Lin, Hirobo Obeketang, Joe Biden, John Silk, Memorial Day, Pamela Rubon, Roxanne Cabral
News Archive

WILMER JOEL As a proclamation by US President Joe Biden proclaimed Memorial Day on May 31, 2021 for those in the American Armed Forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service their countries, a memorial day event was held at the Marshall Islands Resort (MIR), with the raising of the flag as the start […]
By Journal on May 7, 2021
42nd Constitution Day, Alson Kelen, Billma Peter, Hirobo Obeketang, Laura Settlers, Melvin Majmeto, Miss Marshall Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Feature Articles

The 42nd Constitution Day Saturday May 1 brought everyone to an atmosphere of pride and celebration. The program started with an outrigger canoe race with Hirobo Obeketang, Alson Kelen, and Melvin Majmeto officiating the race. This was followed by a parade from Delap Formosa to Delap Park. Included in the parade were members of the […]
By Journal on August 22, 2019
Hilary Hosia, Hirobo Obeketang, Jason Timothy, Marshall Islands Resort
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HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Resort has a lot to celebrate in its 23rd anniversary this week Friday and Saturday — for starters the state-owned enterprise performs in an outstanding manner for a once heavily-subsidized entity. RMI government audits of the Resort show a well-managed entity. Perhaps most important is the bottom line in the latest […]
By Journal on November 1, 2018
Arlington Tibon, Hilary Hosia, Hirobo Obeketang, Majuro Cooperative School, Majuro Deaf Education Center, Majuro Middle School, MIEPI, Yolanda Lodge
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Marshall Islands Prevention Group, otherwise known as MIEPI, is celebrating 10 years as a non-governmental organization in the RMI. MIEPI was established to provide epidemiological surveillance, community research, and public health planning and prevention to monitor, assess and improve health and social welfare of communities in the RMI. MIEPI set aside $1,000 annually since it […]
By Journal on October 19, 2017
David Kramer, Ebeye Hotel, Hirobo Obek, Hirobo Obeketang, Marshall Islands Resort, MIR, Reginald White
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands Resort signed a two-year contract with Marshall Islands Development Bank to run the Ebeye Hotel last Friday at the MIDB headquarters. MIDB board members and MIR management team were present for the signing ceremony. MIDB board members praised MIR for accepting the bid, which took two years to materialize. “One of […]
By Journal on November 24, 2016
Alson Kelen, Amata Kabua, Hirobo Obeketang, Jiba Kabua, John Silk, Urok Club
News Archive

The burial site of the nation’s founding father, first President of the Marshall Islands and paramount chief Amata Kabua, is rarely visited by the public, and only can be visited by invitation — such was the scene last Thursday during the commemoration of President’s Day. During the occasion, which was attended by government officials, families […]