Kitlang kabua

Kwajalein Day events

Kwajalein Day events

Much of the country’s leadership descended on Ebeye and Kwajalein for the annual Kwajalein Day memorial and celebration. But it wasn’t only RMI leaders who flocked to Ebeye. Diplomats from various embassies made the trek to Kwajalein, as did top-level US Army leaders who arrived for the events. The 81st anniversary of Operation Flintlock, the […]

Irooj meeting a highlight

Irooj meeting a highlight

HILARY HOSIA The inclusion of traditional games and sports may be underway in the near future thanks to developments from the National Socio-Economic and Climate Summit last week. Participants of the weeklong forum appealed to traditional leaders during the Q&A session with members of the Council of Irooj. A participant from Wotho Atoll, requested on […]

Kwaj workers strike sparks action

Kwaj workers strike sparks action

HILARY HOSIA A rare and coordinated strike by over 50 Marshallese workers at the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll last Friday and Saturday disrupted ferry service for missile range employees and has led to dismissal of two American supervisors by civilian contractor at the missile range. On Saturday, 54 Marine Department employees signed a petition to […]

Honoring Operation Flintlock

Honoring Operation Flintlock

HILARY HOSIA The remains of a fallen US service member believed missing since World War II in the Marshall Islands was finally homebound last week following the official handover by the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll (USAG-KA) at the Richardson Theater last Friday. The development was one of the many highlights during the four-day celebrations in […]

Vote 2023: 4 women in Nitijela

Vote 2023: 4 women in Nitijela

GIFF JOHNSON The final unofficial election results were issued by the Electoral Administration Tuesday December 12 this week, confirming that 13 Nitijela seats will change hands. Most postal absentee votes either didn’t arrive in time or were rejected for technical reasons, muting their impact. It appeared that only one Nitijela race — Likiep — was […]

Mayor Ladie back for third term

Mayor Ladie back for third term

GIFF JOHNSON In the still preliminary and unofficial vote tabulation, Majuro Mayor Ladie Jack was outpolling main challenger Margaret Alee Bigler by more than two-to-one and three of the four incumbent Majuro Nitijela members were showing the highest numbers. Incumbent Stephen Phillip and candidates David Kramer and Yolanda Lodge-Ned were locked in a battle for […]

Irene farewelled in Majuro

Irene farewelled in Majuro

WILMER JOEL The late Dr. Irene Taafaki, the former president of the College of the Marshall Islands, was buried Sunday next to her Blue Lagoon home, close to the Baha’i House of Worship. Her life was honored with a three-day memorial service that included a candlelight vigil, funeral, and burial. Dr. Irene’s casket was transported […]

From ashes to action

From ashes to action

A year ago Waan Aelon in Majel lost its building to a fire. Last week, WAM broke ground for a new building that will be constructed with the help of Majuro Atoll Local Government, the United States and Australian governments, Council of Indigenous People of Taiwan, K&K Island Pride Supermarket, Iroojlaplap Mike Kabua, MISCo and […]

Amata goes to bat for RMI

Amata goes to bat for RMI

GIFF JOHNSONThe absurdity of the US State Department’s position that new money under the Compact, purportedly for the Marshall Islands nuclear legacy, cannot actually be used for any purpose related to the nuclear legacy, was pointed out in a letter by American Samoa Congresswoman Amata Radewagen to the chairmen of the two committees in the […]

Yun on Compact talks

Yun on Compact talks

JESSICA STONE* Congress is reviewing a proposal from President Joe Biden to create new security guarantees for three Pacific Island states: the Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau. If Congress passes the Compacts of Free Association by September 30, they would provide billions of dollars of economic and security assistance for the nations and would deny […]

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